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Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 6, 2010

hpHOSTS - Updated June 28th, 2010The hpHOSTS Hosts file has been updated. There is now a total of 124,285 listed hostsnames.If you are NOT using the installer, please read the included Readme.txt file for installation instructions. Enjoy! :)Latest Updated: 28/06/2010 20:41Last Verified: 28/06/2010 22:38Download hpHosts now!

In the past it was common for WinPatrol fans to report programs which were malicious, designed to steal data, monitor key strokes or create pop up ads. Sadly, the most common complaints I see now are for programs from legitimate companies.Google continues to top the list of companies wanting to make sure you have their toolbar and updates of anything else they feel you need, like it or not. A

Just a note folks, due to a connection issue (I suspect with the ISP, they suspect my exchange), the network will be unavailable for approx 1 hour, from 1500 today. Apologies for the disruption (though if it's any consolation, I don't have access to the o2 mobile connection either until tomorrow, so will be offline for an hour aswell).The next hpHosts release will be out this evening.
Thứ Bảy, 26 tháng 6, 2010

In this issue, a review of Ubuntu 10.04, a new series on virtualization, and much, much more. Also, don’t forget to listen to the companion Full Circle Podcast for some good insight into the Ubuntu world.This month:- Command and Conquer. - How-To : Program in Python – Part 12, a NEW SERIES: Virtualization, and Browser Blogging. - Review – Ubuntu 10.04. - Top 5 – Favourite Applications. - plus:
Thứ Sáu, 25 tháng 6, 2010

Look at the image to the left, what does it look like?No, that's not a trick question, it's a search engine right? A custom Google search perhaps? You'd be forgiven for thinking that, indeed, you could almost believe it's someones poor attempt at a parking page, given the domain is up for sale, courtesy of Sedo (more on that in a second).However, this typo-squatter, is hiding something more

It's exactly one year to the day, that Michael passed away, and fans such as myself, are still feeling the loss of a legend.Although I've never met him, I did see him live, and have been a fan for the vast majority of my life. His voice, his dancing, his personality, generosity, made him a true legend, someone that will never be forgotten, someone that has had a vast impact, and continues to have
Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 6, 2010

Remember this?, well now there's more.URL: ( is where the advert was found)Host: - registered via 1 & 1 (Schlund)IP: whoIP PTR: Resolution failed ASN: 33070 RMH-14 - Rackspace HostingOrgName: Rackspace Hosting OrgID: RACKS-8Address:
Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 6, 2010

In a not so surprising turn of events, my favourite online rag, El Reg has reported that domain registrars have complained to ICANN, in not so many words, that they don't want to have to fight cybercrime.How was this going to happen you ask? By changing registrars ICANN contract to force them to fight it - something they should already be doing. We all know registrars are a huge part of the crime
Thứ Bảy, 19 tháng 6, 2010

We've all seen the adverts on TV and splashed on the web, telling us we can hide our browsing habits, by utilizing IE8' "InPrivate" browsing facility. But how private is this mode really? Will it for example, stop a suspicious spouse from spying on you? Will it prevent your employer or IT dept, finding out you're going to Facebook when you're meant to be working?You'd be forgiven if you'd said

If you're in the habit of using Facebook, don't worry, I forgive you. But joking aside, there's always a plethora of threats on social networking sites at any given time, and new ones are popping up on an almost daily basis.The latest of these, is detailed by my friend David at Eset;Blackhat SEO uses online games to distribute malware
Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 6, 2010

Moldova based ISP, StarNet (AS31252) has been on every security researchers radar for a considerable amount of time now, and this isn't looking to change any time soon.StarNet is just one of several ISPs in Moldova, that's a haven for criminals spreading a multitude of malicious content, and the largest portion of this, is rogues. Monitoring one of the MITMs they're using, you can see new domains
Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 6, 2010

Both Jart at HostExploit, and Pedro Bueno at McAfee, recently reported on botnets being used by the good guys, aswell as the bad. See; problem here, is that we've known for years that the bad guys were using them, and likely knew but didn't want to
Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 6, 2010

We've got yet another domain involved in telephony based fraud folks. This time it's, which is housed at (PTR:, AS8560 ONEANDONE-AS 1&1 Internet AG) and registered to an entity in India (sound familiar? it should do, SupportOnClick, TechMyHelp, Comantra et al, are all based there and all involved in the same activity) called "MET", who

Browsing for prices on Amazon, I came across something that simply stopped me right in my tracks - almost £2000 for half a gig of PC133 for a desktop! (wasn't after it for a desktop, was looking for prices for PC133 SODIMMs);Don't want to pay that for half a gig? Then you're definately not going to like this one;There is of course, a serious point to this. There's been quite a few cases of online
Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 6, 2010

When is an online rag, not an online rag? When it's a scam of course.Investigating a site on Bizland IP space, that was previously carrying malicious content, I noticed an ad that immediately got my attention, and not in a good way either. There were 2 primary things wrong with it;1. It was delivered via AdBrite - a company known for allowing very questionable adverts on their network2. The
Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 6, 2010

I've just had an interesting conversation with Virgin Media. My mother has been receiving calls from 0116 225 3841 for the last 3 days, each time the phone was answered, the caller would instantly hang up without saying a word, giving the impression it's actually an automated dialer.I traced this number back to Virgin Media, and duly called them, having tried to call the number itself (constantly
Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 6, 2010

I've always avoided iPhones and the likes, and will be avoiding iPads and the likes too, primarily due to their cost, but namely because I've no need for them (my mobile makes and receives calls, and my laptop allows access to the internet and whatnot), but there's millions that do own an iPhone, and those of you with one, may have noticed a red tab on the outside? If so, your warranty is
Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 6, 2010

If you happen to be running a machine with the following wireless card (i.e. those of you with Toshiba Satellite laptops), be sure you read the details before updating;Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Network AdapterI've just had an update available for this via Windows Update, and whilst it mentioned a restart would be required (though this information was ONLY available in the extended details, which
Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 6, 2010

Re-checking the list of domains previously mentioned, shows they're on the move to a new range. This time owned by known crimeware friendly ISP, ROOT SA (aka Root eSolutions, AS5577, AS44042). The new IP is's only a handful resolving to the new IP at the time of writing, so presumably the rest are awaiting DNS propagation.
Thứ Năm, 3 tháng 6, 2010

Second update to this, and I'm pleased to announce, Redstation forced their customer to disable the sites completely (Redstation didn't want them on their network). A quick check has revealed those still resolving to the RedStation range, are now dead (sites resolve but fail to load), and those spewing malware, are now parked at (GoDaddy parking server).
Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 6, 2010

Just an update folks. Whilst the sites are still live, the downloads appear to have gone *for now* (pretty confident they'll be back). I did hear back from Redstation, who asked for evidence, and such was passed to them.If you've paid for ANY of the software they're scamming and infecting for, contact your credit/debit card company and ask for a charge back.In the case of these particular domains
Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 6, 2010

I come across hundreds of malicious sites each day, both compromised sites, and bad guys sites, and send hundreds of abuse reports each day for them.This morning, I received a rather strange e-mail from one of the hosting companies I'd sent an abuse report to, an e-mail with the following content;HelloCan you give me the ticket number of the tickets you have opened regarding the past?"It is a
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