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Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 2, 2010

... but I'll settle for having a laugh at a spam that's just came in. Laughing you ask? Well yes - for starters there's no plain text content, no subject and no HTML content.It would seem these silly spammers have decided it best to include the content in the actual headers (likely a bug in their auto-mailer);Return-Path: root@server.bestindiansexvideos.comDelivered-To: r00t-y0u_org@

In the magazine:- Command and Conquer.- How-To : Program in Python – Part 8, Digitally Retouching a Photo in GIMP, and The Perfect Server – Part 4.- My Story – a Linux User, and Powerpets.- Review – Acer UL30-A laptop.- MOTU Interview – Roderick Greening.- Top 5 – Reference Tools.- Ubuntu Women, Ubuntu Games, My Opinion, and all the usual goodness!Read more
Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 2, 2010

It would seem, dear readers, that the folks at Sun Network have decided booting our friendly phishers, isn't a good idea after all, as they're now back yet again, spamming via MSN and whatnot, with links that lead to phishing scams such as the one in the screenshot to the left, that steal your MSN, Yahoo, AIM and GTalk credentials.Once stolen, you're then once again, redirected to
Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 2, 2010

I was notified earlier about, which has been reported as a botnet C&C for the Spybot.AVEO infection (Trend Micro has it pegged as WORM_IRCBOT.ABJ). After reading up on this, I'd strongly urge everyone blackhole it asap.Trend Micro's writeup also has reference to it's contacting (yep, OVH again) which resides at, so I'd suggest blackholing that one too.
Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 2, 2010

I had an interesting conversation this morning with one of my local PC stores. First a back story ....Around Feb 4th, I bought a second hand hard drive for one of the servers (as it was only £20 (160GB HDD) I thought what the heck). I didn't get round to checking it until last week, and surprisingly, upon my booting the drive, I noticed the previous customers Windows installation was still
Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 2, 2010

It would seem folks, IAC/MindSpark aren't happy with their current methods of attracting new victims, err, users. Now they've decided to go with a scamming approach.What does this entail you ask? Well, look at the screenshot to your left - there's two adverts there. One asks which is a better presenter, offers a "free" (sic) $500 Visa gift card, and claims to be leading you to

Some extremely great news just dropped into my RSS reader - Paperghost, aka Chris Boyd, has now joined Sunbelt' research team.Sunbelt now have without a doubt, the best damn researcher in the world. Congrats Chris!Read more over at the Sunbelt blog;
Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 2, 2010

hpHOSTS - UPDATED February 17th, 2010The hpHOSTS Hosts file has been updated. There is now a total of 121,497 listed hostsnames.If you are NOT using the installer, please read the included Readme.txt file for installation instructions. Enjoy! :)Latest Updated: 17/02/2010 05:00Last Verified: 16/02/2010 23:00Download hpHosts now!

Here's some news from the ESET Virus Lab in Slovakia. One of our clients encountered an interesting infection within his network.The problem seemed to originate from the drivers CD that comes with the device he bought, the Habey BIS-6550HD, a fanless Atom-powered system, though we haven't seen the CD itself. Our analysis of the CD image supplied by the customer, which seems to date from July 2009
Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 2, 2010

Just a note, due to Windows updates and a hardware replacement, the network gateway will be down for a few moments (basically to allow for the hardware to be replaced, and the Windows updates to be installed).As an aside, when hpHosts does come back online, I re-enabled the browsing facility yesterday, and there's also both a new updates RSS feed, and a new MMT (Misleading Marketing Tactics)
Chủ Nhật, 7 tháng 2, 2010

I thought I'd treat myself to a router upgrade, given the current one (DG384Gv2) was struggling with the traffic on the network, and opted for the DGN2000 (would've loved a newer and better one, but this one cost £94, the rest were over £150). Configuring it for the network took a couple seconds, which was great as I needed it done asap, and switching the old to the new took miliseconds (well all
Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 2, 2010

It was a difficult choice deciding who should be in the firing line next, as far as being cybercrime friendly, as there's a multitude of choices, those I've not yet covered include VPLSNET (VPLS Inc. d/b/a Krypt Technologies), Masterhost, China (I'd be here all year with this one), Aruba (and if you're reading this Aruba - FIX YOUR DAMN ABUSE ADDRESS!), Peterhost, to name a few.I thought I'd
Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 2, 2010

One year ago, on the 2nd of February 2009, ZeuS Tracker was born (Introducing: ZeuS Tracker BETA). Today ZeuS Tracker looks back to a very successful year and I would like to use this event to write some words about ZeuS Tracker. During the last year, ZeuS Tracker has tracked more then 2′800 malicious ZeuS C&C servers. The ZeuS Tracker has captured more then 360MB ZeuS config files and
Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 2, 2010

You may have noticed over the past few days, that access to the hpHosts website has been sporadic at best. I just wanted to let you all know, although annoyed as hell, I do have a good excuse, well three actually;1. MySQL is being an absolute PITA2. Several IP's from one of NetDirekt's ranges, has been hammering the vURL server, which accesses hpHosts (I've temporarily disabled vURL's access to
Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 2, 2010

The validation and WhoIs hunt is completed, and although I've no doubt there's more domains owned by this person than those I've found, the following are those that are or have been, owned by Melissa/Bob/Jeremy, whatever he/she wants to call him/her self.Note: It's entirely possible that some of these are now legit, as quite a few on this list were obtained from a dated (08-30-2009) listFirst,

I'm happy to report, I've just been advised by Jeremy Zawodny at Craigslist, that the following two domains have now been taken offline;craigslistinc.orgcraigslistmarketing.orgSadly, is still online, and hillariously, has tried changing the WhoIs information to "Bob Smith" in a poor attempt to hide .....Registrant:Bob Smith343 Mumby RoadGosport, Hampshire PO12 1AQUnited
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